Naomi Nagy

Linguistics at U of T

Undergraduate research

supervised by Naomi Nagy

Projects supervised at the University of Toronto

  • Samuel Lo. T2-T5 Tone merger in Heritage and Homeland Cantonese. 2016-2017.
  • Katherine Sung. A review of experimental approaches to Cantonese tone merger. 2016.
  • Vivien Chow (ROP 299), Julia, Grasso. Variation in Calabrese Italian. 2014-15.
  • Maksym Shkvoretz. The Loss of reflexive possessive pronouns in Heritage Ukrainian. 2014F.
  • Michael Iannozzi. Pro-drop in Faetar when in contact with English: A study of a heritage language in contact. 2014X.
  • Naomi Cui, Minyi Zhu (ROP 299). Vowels in Cantonese and English of Heritage Cantonese speakers in Toronto. 2013-14.
  • Grace Lui. And Everything-in-Between: Contributing new data to the debate for a physiological Critical Period through the introduction of gender-specific acquisition patterns of General Extenders among second-language learners. 2014.
  • Natalia Lapinskaya, Cross-generational changes in Heritage Russian (HLVC) 2011-12 indep. study
  • Josephine Tong & Tiffany Chung, Cross-generational changes in Heritage Cantonese classifiers (HLVC) 2011-12 ROP indep. study
  • Antonio Cunha, Variation in use of the discourse particle 'com' in Heritage Korean (HLVC), 2012 indep. study
  • Brittani Fubler, Bermudian dialect analysis. 2010 Independent study
  • Hyunjin (Nikki) Lee, Transcribing Heritage Korean in ELAN (HLVC) 2010-11 ROP indep. study
  • Chambers, Tia. Determining a Linguistic Bias: Student success and Markers of Second Language in Toronto. (2011 indep. study)
  • Cutter, Philip. Genetic genealogy of Faeto. (2011 indep. study)
  • Harhaj, Natalia. VOT in Heritage Ukrainian. (2011 indep. study, co-supervised w/ A. Kochetov)
  • Nina Aghdasi. "I speak Canadian": Emerging dialects of heritage Italian speakers in Toronto. (2010 indep. study)
  • Sheila Chung, The function of code-switching as a means of cultural identity among first and second generation Koreans in Toronto and in the Greater Toronto Area (HLVC) (2009-10 Independent Study)
  • David Knapen, Vowel mergers in Northern New England. (2009 Exchange student final assignment)

I supervised the following undergraduate research projects (UROP/SURF projects, INCO 590 research experiences, honors theses, McNair research projects & Independent studies) at the University of New Hampshire.

Jim Wood, Summer 2006

Anne Schenepf, Spring 2006

Honors thesis: /t,d/ deletion and the inflence of ambient language

Jim Wood, Fall 2005

Research assistant (INCO 590): Verbs of quotation in Montreal Anglophone French

Shellie Chiavetta, Summer 2005

SURF project: That was Totally Intense! A Study of Emphatic Adverbial Modifiers in Male and Female Speech

Molly Mahoney, Summer 2004

SURF project: Glottalization in New Hampshire

Heron Greenesmith, Summer 2002

SURF project: The Role of the White Mountains in the evolutionary isolation of dialects

Dave White, Summer 2002

SURF project: Suburban White use of African American English

Greg Pelcak, Summer 2001

Independent study project: Analysis of an online "History of Spanish" course

Vicky Testa, Spring 2001

Independent study project: Taking a look at loonerspisms: ... uh-- spoonerisms

Kelly Webster, Spring 2001

LING 505 honors project: An acoustic analysis of vowels in New England speech

Tara Kennedy, Fall 2000

Independent study project: A Survey of American dialects

David Karjala, Fall 2000

Volunteer research assistant for my Montreal Anglophones project

Brady Weinstock, Spring 2000

Editorial assistant for my Faetar grammar project

Carolyn Fisher, Spring 2000

Advised for anthropology senior thesis: The role of language varieties in social class reproduction

Wendy Ryback-Soucy, 1997-2000

SURF Project: Do bilingualism and exposure to French influence American English Pronunciation: A Study of the Franco-American population of Manchester, NH.

Co-authored publication: "Exploring the dialect of the Franco-Americans of Manchester, NH" (Journal of English Linguistics 28:249-264)

Sophy Pich, Summer 1999

McNair student research project: Bicultural adaptation of Cambodian families in a rural New England community

Updated February 7, 2017

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