Structural Concept Model - The University of Toronto (2006)
Based on the Sendai Mediatheque by Japanese architect Toyo Ito, the model aims to extract the structural elements from the building and reconstruct in concept the tectonics of that structure.

Careful analysing of the plans, photos and drawings of the building revealed the main theory to be about transparency. Ito minimizes the structure of the building to that of thin tubes, itself inspired from the free-flowing movement of seaweed. Thus, the structural supports of the building become translucent, allowing one to see through the entire structure from one side to the other.

The black plates of the model represent the floor plan of the building. They are misaligned deliberately to convey the idea of a freeplan that is possible from the structure used. The model itself is almost transparent when looked at from one angle, but can be opaque when viewed fom another. This concept if what is carried through from the Sendai Mediathque.