The Story |
The Genealogy section is presented as two parts:
Part 1 covers the origins of George Brunson; at this time it is strictly a patriarchal lineage, maternal lines may be added in the future. The lineage of Mary Dinah (Johnson) Brunson is documented by Mary Lou Verbonac in the NICHOLS and REMBER reports of her site. Part 2 covers the descendants of
George and Mary Dinah.
A BIG DISCLAIMER I am not a genealogist, none of the information in Part 1 is from original
source documents. It has been pieced together from other family trees,
unfortunately due to 2 hard drive crashes in a 3 week span my references
to the sites where the bits and pieces originated have gone. I have assembled
Part 1 from hand written notes taken during my voyage through other's site.
Whilst it fits together and I am confident that it accurately reflects
the data available I would not be overly surprised to be told that there
are errors in it. At the very least its worth what you are paying for it.