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TO-2008 flash site

TO-2008 flash site. 2000

Making the Official Website of Toronto's Bid for the 2008 Olympic Games was what I did for my Co-Op semester, along with 3 other classmates. The site was then intended as the main means of pitching Toronto to the IOC, so it was quite extensive, with 3 languages and 2 versions, a low-bandwidth HTML as well as a graphically rich flash-based site.

Shown here is the flash-based version of the first site, launched in April at a great site-launch party.

External firms collaborated with us on the graphic, art direction aspects, especially Concrete Design who arrived at the end layout. Some elements from our initial designs can still be found. For example, the curved, flowing gray lines animated at the top behind TORONTO are mine.

You may make use of my work here as long as you give me credit, eg:
Artwork (c) Robert Lin < >.
