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Greetings! This is my personal website.

Purpose of this site

It’s where I chronicle any adventures via the blog, display my art or other creations, and gather other material that relate to me in this one place. For convenient sharing, show-off or other similar uses. Free and public for potentially anyone to see.

About Me

I’m a twenty-something web designer, developer currently living in Raccoon City. For more about me, you can view the resume, long version.

Raccoon City?

It’s actually Toronto, Canada. Confused? Raccoon City is the zombie-infested city in the movie Resident Evil: Apocalypse (Sept. 2004). Filmed in several locations, but most noticeably with buildings in Toronto. Local bank logos can be seen on the office buildings, and the Racoon City Hall is actually Toronto’s New City Hall on Queen Street.

Blog highlights

A few notable blogged events & travels:

ACE Central
Thinkquest, dorm Charity
Celebrity Charity Challenge
Hart House Aikido
Toronto Architecture

Photo of me on a lake rock, and other 2003 Algonquin photos by Vahagn.

You may make use of my work here as long as you give me credit, eg:
Artwork (c) Robert Lin < >.
