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Captain's blog: 2001/04

Posted Sunday, April 29, 2001 at 4/29/2001 06:04:22 PM

just got back w/ family from the "communities in Bloom 2001" event at Elgin West Community Centre up in Richmond Hill. Balloons, banners, and 4 tables set out in the parking lot, with busy kids hammering away/gluing the Home Depot build-your-own birdhouse/butterflyhouse/planter wooden kits. Telus, a truck selling mini roses, animals from the zoo, hamburgers, "family tree planting" was all outside.took my sketchbook and sketched two pages of people planting trees - it will count for marks for one of my sketchbook assignments from art class.

Inside there was face painting, all sorts of those "pioneer village" kindof setups where you get to sample pioneer food, home made dyes all statiioned by people dressed in period costume.

The community building was brand new and had this indoor main pool with a waterslide and get this - fountain and jet massage tub! now i know that if i dont have a jet massage pool in My Dream Home, i should make sure i live near a community centre that has one.

Posted Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 4/25/2001 09:36:10 PM

went to Reference library today, finished reading books on entrepreneuring that i had found last time i visited. Wish there was a way to keep track of any and all work, like the 7 hours today at ref library. If i dont find any then maybe blogger will take that role. here's one of those get-u-inspired quotes i discovered amongst those books :
Whatever you can do,
or dream you can do, begin it,
boldness has genius, power ,
and magic in it

- Goethe

Posted Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 4/24/2001 01:15:02 PM

its the janitor's/support staff strike week, schools closed. so where do i find myself? at Woork! welll, just two days anyway. tim is here too, he just went downstairs for some psd's on a CD, accordin to lex.

Posted Sunday, April 22, 2001 at 4/22/2001 11:46:29 PM

Hellloooo world!! this website is finally up, finally html/links, php scripts, and blogger are all now fully working! please sign my guestbook, you visitors! yeah, i mean YOU - and you military person ( from my counter it seems that i have a visitor from a domain on a windows 95machine with 800x600 resolution and... last week)

Posted Sunday, April 15, 2001 at 4/15/2001 09:22:18 PM

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Posted at 4/15/2001 10:50:48 AM

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