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Captain's blog: 2001/05

Posted Monday, May 28, 2001 at 5/28/2001 12:44:01 PM

hello Western Tech students , the follow-up tips on macromedia Director and other things we talked about can be found here: And the thinkquest thing I mentioned is right below this message.

You are all very much ready to put it all together - look forward to the finished Re:design issue 4!

Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 at 5/27/2001 10:46:57 PM team forming / proposal deadline this week thursday may 31st.. and still need a 3rd team member, hopefully someone international since both becc and I are in Canada. We have one confirmed coach, 2 possible coaches so that makes it 3. But after asking around... we still hope to have a 3rd member...

here's the entry idea:

topic is entrepreneuring, with a focus on "how to be one" and career slant for teenagers/their parents/career teachers so that it gives a good idea of "entrepreneuring - what am i getting myself into?" , sprinkled with plenty of personal interviews with young entrepreneurs.

member should be:
- interested enough to commit and research (all of us will research)
- preferabbly php programmer,/ database familiar,
- bold enough to interview young entrepreneurs in their community..(we will cover toronto)
- the spirit, the determined person who presses on and keeps trying

our background:
I've worked on large scale web projects before, I'm one of 5 students who created the first version of the trilingual, Official Toronto Olympic Bid website ( ) and my partner rebecca works in Alias Wavefront's web/multimedia dept. so although this is our first thinkquest entry, we have web experience, have worked successfully together before, and are both grads of CyberARTS program at Don Mills, and now in our last year.

read my thinkquest profile, saved, So, if you are on thinkquest already send message to user "robertlin", otherwise send icq or email hi ( a7 )

muchos gracias, merci..xie xie...spaseebaa, danke, arigato ..(thank you in many more random languages) !

Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 5/26/2001 12:01:24 AM

just saw pearl harbor - they really could have made this one powerful movie but i feel it lacked in a lot of parts. Key quote by the japanese admiral " I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant", seemed to be tucked into the movie as an afterthought - because it sort of jumped into him saying that, then right after he said that the scene changed to continued bombing scenes, you really didnt see the significance of that quote... if you like to see special effects of explosions and ships turning 180 degrees ( while sinking??) and get all WWII reminiscing.. maybe this is the movie for you. I wonder how many more WWII movies can still come out before we are all numbed to it..

Posted Thursday, May 24, 2001 at 5/24/2001 06:38:46 PM

Woohoo! finished art ISP presentation part 2 and 3 today, with the conclusion that must re-write original thesis/purpose from the overly ambiguous

" a 3d homespace , using adobe atmosphere , make an island with secret catacombs with objects symbolizing my mind, my subconcious memories, to explore the possibilities for metaphors and symbols offered by a 3d realm..bla bla bla "

to something more simple - just make a plain arhitectural/explorative 3d world, to be viewed only as an amusing thing to load, explore, sign the guestbook (ill make it open the guestbook )and move on with.

The techies at the school board have ignored philipson's email requests on my behalf to open port 5555 in the firewall (in order to see multi-user in atmosphere), i wont be able to show that aspect - will probably have to capture to VHS or something.

enough of art - altho im meeting someone next week re: rye biz, im still looking for anyone who knows anything about U of T or Ryerson business programs.. send me their emails if they are wiling to share their views - thanx!

Posted Saturday, May 19, 2001 at 5/19/2001 07:37:35 PM

thinkingtaking a break from the coding. looking out the window, thinking about my future in beautiful Toronto, if Toronto. (taken earlier)

Posted Tuesday, May 15, 2001 at 5/15/2001 02:56:59 PM

If anyone knows anyone or anything about U of Toronto business programs or Ryerson business programs - specifically to do with entrepreneuring, let me know - anyone you know who goes to any of these programs, please see if u can give me their emails, ive got to do more research now.. parents aren't convinced that i have done enough research, they prefer prestige of U of T.. and honestly i dont think i did that much research either, not as much as with SFSU .

so let me know by email or icq if u know anything FOR or Against these programs or if u know ppl who are actually there, in the programs. thanx!

Posted Sunday, May 13, 2001 at 5/13/2001 07:19:09 PM

learned some more ASP coding this morning, then cooked the lunch meal for mom since its mother's day - and now its dinner and its dad's turn to cook ( i can smell and hear the wok upstairs ). Im going to fix the tabula site ordering info, then after lunch im going to work on my Most Amazing Physics Presentation on Polarized Light which will involve viewing crystal samples through polarized filters, through a microscope , projected on the big screen via microscope video camera to infocus projector.

Physics Lab due, Physics ISP due next week, plus coming TQ deadline and Blogger template contest at same time - and tim wants me to build him an asp database driven gallery for his coming artwork.. hmm.. so much to do...should I charge him? how much to charge?

Posted Friday, May 11, 2001 at 5/11/2001 05:00:01 PM

art history notes of slides we looked at today, as well as the ancients since prehistoric, can be found here:

I might update it until we are finally done - esp. for those of you who are away. check the "last updated" date .

Posted at 5/11/2001 02:09:40 PM

i CHUTZPAH !! here's another jewel from my on-the-bus-entrepreneuring topic reading :
"I love Yiddish...after thousands of years of persecution, the Jews have come up with a language in which every word is rich in sarcasm and humor... Chutzpah is the same kind of term. It's a word with equal parts arrogance, panache, bullheadedness, and confidence in the ability to get one's way, all thrown into a linguistic food processor and served warm with a side of courage and self-will"

- jeff porten, "the twentysomething guide to creative self-employment"

i think chutzpah is the closest i can get to finding a word that describes what i am already or am becoming.and is something i'll find handy as i try to surmount all obstacles... and can explain to you all my impatience and why i figit so much when it comes to limits and contraints .. and if ever my behaviour is too overly chutzpah for just then let me know (you may all wack me affectionately over the head with a rolled up newspaper ) .

chutzpah. i think that's my word now. chutzpah chutzpah chutzpah !

Posted Monday, May 07, 2001 at 5/7/2001 06:19:35 PM

art history renaissance artworks in a 3d gallery! finished my art history presentation on renaissance today - and I've put up the adobe atmosphere file ( the 3d eye-witnessesque gallery, screenshot shown here) here for those who want to see the two Davids, massaccio, Botcelli's Venus, Da Vinci, Michaelangelo's sistine chapel fresco on the ceiling ,Raphael, Titian .. if your not sure what it is then ctrl-shift-click to get the artwork info. you will need to get the atmosphere plugin. better images can be found on the net of course, so u can follow our works cited page here.

Great presentations tim, ana, and marge ! (marge i handed in your evaluation only today; both forrest and i forgot about it on friday =p )

oh, and if anyone understands photography/lighting or has seen examples of natural lighting in a white walled room let me know. i'm tried to use blue + orange + white light to mimic nature, but I only know how how that works for objects, not rooms and walls - thats why the gallery is plain white-walled. send me email or if ur in hurry just post your tip on the guestbook, thanx!

Posted Thursday, May 03, 2001 at 5/3/2001 07:35:22 PM

back from work. troubleshooted the realserver for OCAD's live audiocast saturday -- at the end, i think they should find an computer that is outside of their firewall (because i read that firewalls + routers between an encoding station and the realserver give problems) .

then im there putting away the long micrphone into its long rectangular box and luigi asked if that was champagne .. hehe, i m not surprised - given that he foot press wine back in rural Italy when he was a kid.

Posted Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 5/2/2001 01:42:02 PM

10:00 AM 5/2/01 pre-typing a few emails (and thus inspired, i pretype this blog) with my Travelmate at Edwards Gardens , on a nice, quiet bench beside some trees and the bubbly river - the Don river I think. Few paces away to my right some biker is doing ab exercises on the bench, some seniors further up the slope behind me doing Tai Chi ( at 10:00?? aren't they supposed to get up at 6AM ? they must be newbies. ) a jogger on the path, a few visits from ducks, chipmunks (the squirrels are wimps, they never get closer than 5 meters) and generally everything is peaceful and harmonious and Im like One With The Force.

Except for that jogger lady on the other side of the river, I can smell her perfume from here ( it MUST be her unless your saying the old people and the biker dude wear such feminine fragrances ). Either my nose is dogishly sensitive this morning or she's just upwind.


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