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Captain's blog: 2001/06

Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 at 6/30/2001 10:10:08 PM

thanx to all, for the help with thinkquest opinion below - it got to us and helped with our focus ( we will target closer to our current age late high school to early university) ...and it helped point us to new ideas that we hadnt thought about.. for example we took paper/organization skills for granted, whereas lots people seem need and suggested organization tools that make paperwork of business easier- thanx, we will make sure we build lots of that into our site !

oh, and im getting Bell symp DSL.. and want to use ehternet hub so share the net access, if anyone knows where to get small ethernet hub, maybe a 4port is fine, or can give me a hand figuring out how to set it up after i get it, - let me know!

Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 6/27/2001 09:56:18 PM

Hello web visitor!! stranger or no stranger, for our thinkquest student web contest entry on the topic of "youth entrepreneuring", I'd really like to get a better idea of what people would look for, would need or look for in a web site on youth entrepreneuring - so if u could please take a moment to fill out this quick form -

Posted at 6/27/2001 09:54:16 PM

your name:


your situation:

what is your situation? for example are you a teen looking to make some money to pay for university, or are you in university already, or u already started a small business, etc
your entrepreneural needs:

how do you think a website could help you, what would u look for in a website on youth entrepreneurship , what do u think is useful to you , based on your situation?

note: please do no use single quotes (') or there will be an

this is all confidential, only we can will see your input

Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 6/26/2001 08:17:52 PM

whew! second day of summer work. then right after work today walked through sun, smog and street pigeon poop, to Toronto Ref Library to meet with becc and unofficial coach for our thinkquest entry - and i made it faster on foot to Bloor from work than becc with the TTC and its subway delays! great meeting , got better direction input and later tonight I got to sort that, meet again next week.. post meeting notes to the new blogspot we created just for our team work purposes (thanx margaret for showing me blogspot !) found here:
and now Im starving so i shall hither go and eat ( and think about how its too bad i can't be at sister's graduation right now or be watching Tomb Raider with Tim) . adios!

Posted Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 6/17/2001 09:58:51 PM

the [washroom] is a sort of social gathering place...if you ever not see someone for a long period of time, go to the washroom and usually you will find them there..

hmm.. you would think this came right out of some arcane high-level art/architectural theory textbook...wouldn't you? nopers, this was the tour guide , New College residence (U of T) today. Found it hard to pay attention, going to the new college orientation today - if I go to SFSU none of this will matter.. yeah, i got accepted to SFSU , now the next step is to see if i can get the money, filling out OSAP / CSL... theres no way i can pull a cyber presentation to persuade them to give me lots of $ , its ALL through cold, sterile, pre-structured online forms (darn!)

Thinkquest entry on "youth entrepreneuring" successfully created/proposal submitted even tho i had to skip art to make phone call to enlist coach, but then I went back to forrest, got her to sign yearbook . (Most of friday after submitting the proposal , was yearbook-signing -in Cybercentre)

and n@ru out of the blue has resurfaced all the way from Tokyo - hi naru!

ok, that naru asked and a few ppl are wondering, right now the thinkquest entry proposal is just being reviewed. in meantime, i've put some general info on a temporary page - basically if anyone has any leads to stories on young entrepreneurs (even if in Tokyo) , that would be interesting to have on our thinkquest site let us know!


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