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Captain's blog: 2001/07

Posted Monday, July 30, 2001 at 7/30/2001 11:56:30 PM

not goin to san franny anymore, not enough $ $$,$$$.$$ . switching to Plan B ...aka "small biz's and delayed SFSU"

Posted Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 7/28/2001 07:26:14 PM

German sausages and bubble tea, then saw Jur. park 3 today with pals from chinese school, we're all splitting up going seperate geographic locations, me to San Fran (or just UT if doesnt work). , hana to Sheridan , Ed to Parsons in NY, and andrew to U of Ottawa, heading for the "silicon valley north". I couldnt ask for a more divergent group. Also went to curry's for art supplies and chinatown for anime . and the two of them who are going into art /illustration are willing to contribute graphics and illustrations for my thinkquest competition entry on youth entrepreneuring - youpee!

Posted Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 7/19/2001 01:03:21 AM

Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.
--- George Bernard Shaw

wow. I think this could be shown side by side as direct opposite of the Baroque ideas/ gloomy ideas / theatre as metaphor for life /

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

- shakespeare's Macbeth

both take mortality very seriously , but i prefer the not-so-gloomy momento mori, carpe diem idea (also of Baroque) , and Shaw. Great thoughts. whatever shall we do when the geneticists discover immortality?

Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 7/15/2001 10:33:46 AM

guess where i was when the great fate of Toronto , for the 2008 olympic bid was being voted? i was watching final fantasy on the big screen with my work brethren. great graphics , it was worth seeing.

its too bad Toronto lost olympics this time, i did my part, and i think overall Toronto did its best. We can always keep trying - 2012 or whenever.

bookmarklets added to the useful section .

Posted Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 7/11/2001 12:16:47 AM

one of the answers came today, all i needed to do was sit down in a nice garden on king street for the half hour before going into the coffee shop meeting and really think it out. and the result : i decided i want to do the thing that was most fair and right, which was if i had an idea i liked, i wouldnt want someone to just tell me I cant do it before they listen completely / give me a chance to fully explain myslef. so i do the same. And i remembered what Kiyosaki said "when you point at someone and tell them that they cant do something, 1 finger points at them, 3 fingers point at yourself"- its not so much about the other person not able to do something so much as it is your doubts about own self.

I decided to go to meeting assume idea WILL work and listen, and move it forward, for who am i to dictate whether something will work or not, before i've even given it try on paper? especially if the idea will lead to higher rewards if it works. so now just have to really plan it and see if it will work on paper, if not then we both now it wont work, with more certainty.

Posted Monday, July 09, 2001 at 7/9/2001 11:52:50 PM

some big choices im going to have to make over a few weeks due to new circumstances.... and what keeps coming back to mind is :

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost, : The Road Not Taken (1915)

whether to go with something i know already that i know i can do, or to go into something i don't know anything about , more reward?? .. this choice is presented to me for two differnt things. Now , the last time i tried doing something that i didnt have complete knowledge of was the art ISP 3d subconcious-mind as an island project..and it was a great idea with lots of potential but ran into so many learning/technical torubleshooting problems that i iddnt meet the deadline... maybe it has made some diff, in the long run.. i cant know yet, not until long run has passed..

Posted Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 7/5/2001 04:32:43 PM

a most interesting week - and not even over yet. thru being at right place at right time ( DX cleaning out their storehouse of rusting relics of pre war / post war canadian design ) i now have a metal basic geodesic sphere? of buckminster fuller - see his engraved signature (middle pic) ? - it converts back and forth from tetrahedron to geodesic hmm.. maybe this is one of those antique things that get kept in the family for generations to come until some museum discovers it and buys it... or i could always auction it off on ebay. here's the pic :

buckminster fuller pics


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