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Captain's blog: 2001/08

Posted Tuesday, August 28, 2001 at 8/28/2001 02:34:54 AM

there are many benefits to working late into the night.
  1. at night, your senses probably become even sharper for a while, due to an evolutionary need to be wary of predators. this would result in more productivity
  2. late into the night , most normal sane lifeforms in the house are asleep, and your are not likely to get calls this late, which means you work in the certainty that you will not be disturbed...
  3. this also means there is no one to worry about taking turns with the high speed net access with (well, i will get the hub soon), have the net all to self
  4. a sense of personal satisfaction, that while everyone is asleep you are still toiling away... altho sleep wouldnt be that bad..
  5. as you get tired , and sense a head heaviness, you try increasingly harder to put forward just that one more effort , just one more web page, jsut one more pixel...
  6. you get to focus and get work done, so theres the anticipated satisfaction that you might get further now that you have done so much of tomoro today..

Posted Friday, August 17, 2001 at 8/17/2001 01:01:18 AM

im always surprised why people buy books when the public library has more than enough , and still growing their collection..... until now.Yesterday went to chapters, then to indigo and found the one book ,. the one first book i needed to buy in order to get a few key ideas on time for my thinkquest entry's library section which im currently working on. the one and only :
"The Young Entrepreneur's Edge" by Jennifer Kushell .

if i waited for the library request to come to my branch, the project would have been over. Plus its a great book I think I will keep for at least the first few years of my [yet to be realized] entrepreneuring career.

if anyone is thinking of entrepreneuring, even considering it, read this book , especially if you dont think you will read any other book. How good?i read this book during exam time when instead I was supposed to be studying for my OAC physics, art, calculus, biz courses (but hey, I passed, im accepted to U of T so it dont matter!) ..its really good at covering the essentials, with plenty of pointers to other resources so you can get started.

AND she's offered to help in any way she canwith TQ, even tho i havent figured out what that helpmight be yet. but i asked anyway.

Posted Monday, August 13, 2001 at 8/13/2001 12:09:42 AM

wish tehre were more than 24 hours, or as arash says "sleep is for the weak" i wish i didnt have to sleep.. working on thinkquest youth entrepreneuring project , found differences in our planning and that combined w/ so many courses at U of T not available that only today did I get all courses filled, plus housing searching, meant delays. Luigi et lex are at Siggraph.. hmm.. perhaps i shall call a vacation just to work on thinkquest? its so very tempting. most look into more apartments, must check with registratr if my U of T courses are too easy or too hard "magic of physics", "scientific revolutions", "intro to computers!" hehehe.. . and have to get my T-card. bythe way U of T students with their id number can get discount rates for bell DSL access. its all good. now back to thinkquest..

Posted Monday, August 06, 2001 at 8/6/2001 09:38:27 PM

visited some apartments w/ arash, jon yesterday and maybe tomoro. I think I'll live downtown at least for a semester, then maybe i'll find out for real whethe living at home is better or not. Picking courses for Uof T for B.A. architecture, a couple courses already full!.Thinkquest planning work. and taking care of a running nose.

Posted Friday, August 03, 2001 at 8/3/2001 10:45:25 PM

ever had to manage multiple windows, so many that each window only shows up as tiny buttons with cut-off too -short-to-read text on your windows taskbar? thats when i found 2x explorer (went to, broken link, went to tucows, found it and downloaded), whether working on my thinkquest with like powerpoint, ftp, ie open, or just plain daily use i find myself overwhelmed with folders/windows. should hav looked for this freeware sooner.


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