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Captain's blog: 2001/09

Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 9/25/2001 07:17:48 PM

my 3rd week of u of t. the people here are really really polite and cultured. Maybe its because of the courses im taking, im constantly surrounded w/ people who are in 2nd year or 3rd year of philosophy or religious studies or fine arts.. but generallly friendly and i say cultured because I cant find another word to describe the combination of politeness, courtesy, and sometimes level of textbook-lingo that i hear. Textbook lingo example: today, walking across queens park, two guys guys were chatting about some girl , and talking like this: "... but of course, I know its not difficult to attain her..." .

Hehehe, "attain". Or did he say obtain? uhm..sure.

seperate issue:
thinkquest servers hav been getting real slow, during the rainy afternoon in the kelly library, invited a classmate to see our thinkquest site "I Don't Flip Burgers - The Student WebGuide to Entrepreneurial Success" and we had a really long time loading the php pages.. so we looked at the other contestants, and seemed that anyone with php - the philosophy entry, the gates/computer entry, the e-governance one, all take the same slow time to load, about up to 5 minutes per page maybe. this is bad... i'll probably send thinkquest administrators a msg, see if they can do anything abotu this.

They've also set up a speakup area where the world's youth, thinkquest contestant or not, can post opinions about the Sept11 attacks and current new events

Posted Monday, September 17, 2001 at 9/17/2001 11:23:45 PM

hmm.. first week of university done, felt like new media 99/00 conference, where it was just going to seminar rooms listening to leading CEOs and adobe evangelists sell their products..instead each lecture we have learn-ed wise old men at the front of the 600 size auditorium - deans of architecure, or fine art, or history/philosophy of science, etc..then there?s the tutorial classes which are by contrast the opposite, small groups - 3 ppl showed up at my "scientific revolutions" class tutorial!

my physics prof, on first day of class , tuesday september 11, while trying to be funny/break the ice with us strangers/new class, made references to hollywood, silly special effects, spaceships and - buildings. He had to apologize on thursday to the class because he didnt know about the terrorist attacks that morning and only knew about it after class when a couple students went up and told him that they didn?t like his jokes/or were disturbed by his examples cuz they had relatives there in NY.. i felt sorry for the prof. he did try to do a good job on a first day.

thinkquest finally over, even with extended deadline of 2 days.. now i?m on a thankquest, thanking ppl who helped..

this pretty much sums it up:
robert ici:
first - BIG THANX for all ur help EVERYONE!! its finished!
this summer, i worked in a 3 person team web competition, just fini recently:

topic: youth entrepreneuring - the big thing we did is our biz simulator/game, if u can, play it ! u need to sign up , but thats easy. Also there?s a library, tools area & forum.

& leave us a word or 2 in our forum > general > guestbook


2ndly - see competition. heres list of all sort of sites. Shows that a LOT can be done by 12-19 yr olds worldwide over a summer..

we?re in interdisplinary categry:
"I Don?t Flip Burgers - The Student?s Webguide to Entrepreneurial Success "

another canadian team: arash?s entry "The Art & Science of Motion Picture"
he?s a competitor/same category but he gave me lots help by advice

Posted Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 9/5/2001 03:30:48 PM

never before have i stayed up all night b4- rushed home from u of t orientation as soon as important stuff was over and got home, worked till now.. i look like a cave man but hey thats ok for this project it was worth it. It's still not as we would like it but its got the important parts.. the deadline for the website competition was today noon, and we got it in - along with endorsement from young entrepreneurial author - and so ehre it is:

we are team c0114800, Topic: I Don't Flip Burgers!! - The student's webguide to entrepreneurial success

be sure to log in after you read the site map welcome, most of parts only make sense if you've logged in

Posted Monday, September 03, 2001 at 9/3/2001 12:43:51 AM

it's 12:36 , EST not 10pm, and i get this!:

The ThinkQuest servers are currently down for scheduled maintenance..
Please try back around 10pm (Eastern Time, US)

Sorry for any inconvenience!

whatever mainenance it better be good . Wish they had sent advanced im sure all over the world, whoever is working on thinkquest wouldnt appreciate being halted like this, only a few days before deadline. Maybe they are preparing for massive onslaught of web hits due to the due date/ ftp overload? maybe they will take more than a day, and then they will have to extend the deadline? perhaps..


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