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Captain's blog: 2001/10

Posted Monday, October 29, 2001 at 10/29/2001 10:30:12 PM

test image used on our website business simulator areayeaaaah!!! we made it to the semi finalists of the thinkquest 2001 internet challenge.. for our site "I Don't Flip Burgers!! The student's webguide to Entrepreneurial success"

( )

our sitemeter hits are going straight up... woohoo! well our planning and work is paying off..

Posted Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 10/18/2001 01:17:13 PM

I don't like could be a cool site, you see it can help last-minute procrastinators like me get into a self help online program for reducing the amount of times one must fast in order to get an assignment done , like right now i'm doing a book report on michio kaku's "hyperspace" , i hav one hour left...arg! or i can buy those water tubes to the mouth used by special forces soldiers or long distance cyclists, and fill it with V8 or something and conceal it in my neck collar while i'm typing away at no-food-or-drink-or-cell-phones-allowed robarts library computer..

im writing this nonsense cuz im stuck temporarily on this current book report..

Posted Friday, October 05, 2001 at 10/5/2001 12:20:24 AM

Met and chatted an hour with Phoebe in the MS cafe today, a jean lumb academic award winner for 1999 and currently 3rd year medical student. She actually had photos of that dinner- I looked so different. Looks like the jean lumb awards have not died after all, they've got new funding - and they have hosted a 3rd annual ( year 2000 !) already

then in the evening the UTEC guest speaker event was fun, answered couple of my questions, 26yr old Reema is first of the series of inspiring young twenty-something entrepreneurs i'll probably get to see this year hosted by UTEC.

and marg made a fun quiz , i scored 70 ! . "Make your own quiz and send to your friends" is the idea. be warned tho, they seem to be seething with popup ads so this whole quiz service might also be an email collection scheme to sell to spam mail advertisers!

Posted Wednesday, October 03, 2001 at 10/3/2001 11:55:30 PM

the academic side of attending lectures and skimming thick books is getting boring.. skippin ... for example my the sci. rev. prof probably is trying to demonstrate the idea of "thinking before your speak" except that he does that thinking-pause every one or two words, so the effect is...a....hour in fact 1 person already snored off in the front fourth row (which the sensitive microphone attatchedto the stage was able to pick up and amplify all over the lecture theatre) and the prof went up and clapped him awake.

Fine art history, which I expected to be boring and nothing new after so many carefully guided years of art history (credit goes to mrs. forrest !) , turns out to be most fun- at least, the prof speaks very well, interesting to listen w/ his sort of german accent, slips in french once in a while, and has so many funny historical anecdotes , personal stories on his personal pilgrimages to these ancient art sites that the content seems so much richer and memorable. Of course we still have a few slide reviews where we are supposed to regurgitate dates for any monument on the slide list but thats okay, i'll figure it out.

Outside of the halls of academia, im swapping emails w/ new ppl i meet/ tutorial buddies, bumpin to ppl from the past... ( today: dennis, ruth; this week or last week: dennis, ruth, deborah, corey, darin, mr. lehan, patrick(many times to and from VC) , danica, bilal, mark - who said Dr. ghaemi will kill me if she finds out im taking such a basic physics class as PHY100F , some ppl from chinese school ..etc), buying textbooks from stores and from other sources such as u-swap (I used and instantly someone had a few architecture books, I bought it yesterday and saved $30 or so. Found when researching for a business idea that where I was going to partner w/ someone else.. didnt work out but i learned a bit, including the existence of u-swap)

Queen's park is nice place to relax, in front of the fountain , with ppl around me feeding pigeons, doing Tai Chi, jogging, playing scottish bagpipes at noon, playing chess, holding birthday parties, (tourists) asking me how to get to the ROM or the peace garden of city hall.

and I joined UTEC - i hope to get some biz ideas to start while at U of T.


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