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Captain's blog: 2001/12

Posted Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 12/15/2001 10:08:38 PM

doggy being dried in the pet washing machineLOL!! Hail the spanish doggie-washing machine!!

shown here: Mr. fluffy doggy getting dried after being washed, all in the same machine(shown top left)

spanish entrepreneurs took existing industrial-strength washing technology and turned it into a leasable or buy-able pet-washing machine!! of course its been customized to be gentle for variety of pets.. hehe. . I just think it must be great for the pets if its feels like a water-massage shower (as the company explains) and a pet was able to fall asleep during a wash..,1282,48952,00.html

Posted Friday, December 14, 2001 at 12/14/2001 09:44:21 PM

I need more sleep (don't we all?) (today)

today I was entirely zoning-out. picked up my intro philosophy science essay from Vic, the test wasnt there , had to leave a message on the TA's answering machine twice because i wasnt sure i left the number clearly, sort of muttered it . There was the TIG toronto meeting followed by the unofficial dx staff party, but i called to cancel going to the unofficial staff party and just went to TIG instead.

It was lots of brainstorming We had more things to talk about than time to talk about it all.. i wasnt awake much, felt tired.., zoning out again - Dropped my second pizza on my pants - yuk! Then when Karis showed me her masterpiece photographs that i had wanted to check out, i thought some were out of focus but now i think it must have just been me dozing offf SOOO sorry Karis =( i did think they were well done...then for the rest of the brainstorming i didnt contribute much =(

I left w/ vanessa and reg since YMCA locked those front doors at 7 and it was ~7:05. It was snowing. I mentioned first expereinces w/ snow how i liked the novelty of it, having moved from california to canada, it was such a novelty, and even built a sort of igloo in the backyard w/ my sister... but now i hated snow ever since i had to shovel it off the driveway =p , I was about to tell Reg (from Zimbabwe) more about the bad side of snow but I changed my mind since Reg here beside me was gleefully skipping through the snow, happily picking it up , tumbling it in his hands..

So i got home.. after taking a different subway route since York Mills buses were stuck w/ snow difficulties..

yesterday tho was the nice DX company-organized staff dinner buffet- held on the 15th floor party room (like a big living room w/ open view of the toronto skyline) candle-lights on small intimate tables, trays of food., chefs serving at the table, wine, and long, nice conversations w/ other staff. At one point the president brought a talented 8-year old little girl who played her violin for us, performed in the spotlight, about 20 minutes at least 5 songs. I used to play the violin in grade 4 and that was also the only year i played it, i can say she's very very talented and must have had tons of practice. I think they shud have let her paused longer, since your neck and your right hand do get tired..

this party yesterday didnt go that late, only to about 9 or 10.. but when i went home it was chatting on icq (for example tim giving me advice about street safety and youth gangs in taiwan- part of the reason he likes canada and not so urgent to go back) which lead me to sleep at like 2 am.. which is proabbly why i was soo tired and out of it today.

Posted Saturday, December 08, 2001 at 12/8/2001 02:47:41 PM

What the @#!??

According to an online personality assement:
mandelbrot chicken
I am Benoit Mandelbrot Holding a Chicken.

I redefine tables of pepper with my jocular slices of casino. Elevated plastic toes infuse my intestinal dichotomies with limp inkwells. My forgotten compass is enscribed by master carrots.

Which prawns require dough?

The Utterly Surreal Test

thanx susheela for ... interesting... self assesments.. hehe

Went to TIG office yesterday, was in the area and wanted to let them know I cud volunteer for some of the TIG activities like brainstorming. Went over and thought i'd come across a quiet friday afternoon oiffice setting w/ like 2 TIGers, sign up and leave, but instead...turned out like 7 core members and a few advisors there in middle of a meeting brainstorming TIG ideas! Immediately invited to join so I did for an hour, then had to leave.. Jen asked if I was upset as i left, nope, i was just maybe super-surprised, brain-did-a-flop coming in at such a perfect moment to do what i wanted - brainstorming! it was great.... i shud probably smile more then next time.. =P

Posted Wednesday, December 05, 2001 at 12/5/2001 04:53:31 PM

thinkquest logo, from thinkquest.orgOur due diligence has paid off because.... our "I dont flip burgers !!.." site to help youth in entrepreneurship has


Congrats my team mates Rebecca and Brian and to all who've supported us throughout the summer and into thschool year!!! and congrats to everyone who made it to that semifinalists list.. wasnt easy....

Posted Tuesday, December 04, 2001 at 12/4/2001 10:39:42 PM

TIG open house! twas a good evening at TakingITGlobal's new office inside YMCA downtown on Charles street. cookies, juice/pop, Karis and friend doing their best to sell TIG-shirts, a few walk-around booths (sort of like co-op/career fair) and most importantly, the active TIG members introducing what TIG was about and where things were at - for example the real-world projects countering unemployement in slovakia and TIG office established there, projects in Ghana and India, the idea of being TakingItGlobal but by TakingITLocal - last last week at the small biz conference Margot Franssen of the Body Shop Canada talked about Body Shop being a multi-national corp. but also a mult-local company, so this was similar. Other projects mentioned were TIG-helping w/ workshops like the recent one by Shalini- I talked to Shalini afterwards at her workshop booth- I remember when she only had a basic idea of it and initially had no clue how to go about it , on her TIG update. Its good to hear and inspirational when ideas, how things can go from ideas to reality like the workshop she did. Well, thats the first point of TIG anyway to inspire. keep it up!

Talked t some more TIG members, friends of TIG members, students of mike's workshops, etc.. I found out from Ritesh, who also did a great site for the thinkquest competition (Space Exploration : ) and also a semi-finalist! says the finalists might be announced this week according to his friend who asked the TQ helpdesk. Now that makes 3 canadian teams I know of that made it to semi-finalists and are all in the same category: our site about youth entrepreneurship, arash's site "Art and Sci of Motion Pic.." and now Ritesh's "Space and Explor.." site.

We helped clean up as it ended at around 8 (YMCA building locks front doors) so Jen gave all helpers a TIG frisbee, I got a red one. Overall great event.

heres an entirely unrelated news clip: mediatation externalized! well something like this was going to happen sooner or later..hehehe


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