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Captain's blog: 2002/01

Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 1/31/2002 06:07:28 PM

architecture assignmentPart of an architecture assignment handed in today while it was still snowing. Had to compare Mies van der Rohe’s Toronto Dominion Centre with another of my choice. Conveniently I picked the historic TSE building which is wrapped around/built into the TD Centre.

Posted Monday, January 28, 2002 at 1/28/2002 04:11:32 PM

thinkquest winner certificateDear Robert,
Think Quest Inc. is proud to name you and your teammates, champions of Cyberspace! Your site "I Don't Flip Burgers -The Student's Webguide to Entrepreneurial Success" was judged by the Internet Society as one of the top 10 educational sites in this years ThinkQuest Internet Challenge, from over 580 websites. As a ThinkQuest award winner you will ....."

" The educational web site you have produced for the Internet has great value as a learning tool. Through your collaborative skill and hard work you have contributed to a dynamic body of work that is growing -a virtual educational community consisting of innovative, web based educational resources..."

"Again, we congratulate you and your Team on your achievement. The team spirit you have demonstrated and the knowledge you have gained will stand you in good stead as you pursue your education and career. We look forward to hearing about your continuing success.
Lisa Ernst
Executive Director,
Think Quest, Inc.
200 Business Park Drive Armonk, New York 10504 914-765-1100 Fax: 914-765-8322"

Posted Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 1/22/2002 10:52:15 PM

spacco during the daytime.Just got back from a dinner, a thinkquest coach-appreciation dinner. We wanted to thank our coaches for their advice and support by treating them to dinner, so rebecca found a nice italian restaurant ( spacco. it means something like "crack" in italian... as our coach informed us..). Winston the main mentor, who contributed the most.. had to cancel but told us to go on without him, so we were very worried when luigi the other coach didnt show up on time, that wud defeat the purpose of the dinner . We waited and he came, so we had a great evening with just 1 coach. We plan to buy winston a nice gift.

Posted Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 1/10/2002 11:32:33 PM

reunionThe pictures from our small "chinese school pal reunion " came through- thanx andrew. Holidays -everyone back from their respective college/universities: sheridan, parsons in NY / U of T / U of Ottawa, so we fooled around from Bloor down through Eaton Centre, to the LOTR inspired ice sculptures at Nathan Phillips square (everyone had seen LOTR fellowship.. 2 or 3 times, except me , so we didnt see LOTR) , to paramount to ---

My friend and thinkquest teammate -(drum roll... Rebecca ! ) joined her profile is pretty humble lowkey considering some of the amazing things she's done .. for example, how she organized/coordinated an youth art exhibit on Domestic Violence with south/west asian volunteer committee and Toronto Police.. at the Toronto Police HQ

And, dear TIG, this might be a tad bit late but I just wanted to say thanx for the member holiday greetings flashsent a week ago . if it were a company, i wud react "a-ha! This company's marketing has reached me!" but its TIG so I didnt think in that way. Thanx, it was a fun surpise. =)


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