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Captain's blog: 2002/04

Posted Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 4/25/2002 10:41:39 PM

after running hands-on
and chest-on
into spider webs that I never knew existed
in corners and walls of my less than 2 x 4 m basement kitchen
at least 50 times
i am proud to announce
I, robert
am able to
brake adequately, do right turns, left turns, do U-turns
with my new pair of rollerblades!


but my feet are complaining tho. the product info suggests it would be well-ventilated, and I see some of these features such as the toe and the holes:
"Vented Toe Piece Increased air flow keeps feet cool "
"Perforated holes for air circulation"

but... it still feels like a steamy oven down there
which probably means pretty soon the nice factory plastic smell
will be replaced by stinky odours
if i don't invent some way to better ventilate down there.


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