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Captain's blog: 2002/12

Posted Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 12/19/2002 11:15:03 PM

Went to an amazing seminar last night at the Sheraton Centre (Hotel), by Dr. Dolf de Roos on the topic of real estate investing. I heard about him from my overall reading this past year and then later saw him listed in the learning annex so I decided to register to hear this real estate millionaire share some how-to's. Very funny, dynamic guy, also very youthful...if you ignore his grey hair and stand back a bit and just listen to him speak - lots of energy ! He shared his experiences, did some surprising/enlightning demonstrations that proved/revealed our inner attitudes, assumptions about money and investing - part of one demonstration involved one bold audience member walking away with a $100 bill (canadian), so these were fun to experience..

Being aware of these attitudes was important, he noticed that after he made lots of money in real estate and decided to go share this/teach others, he was puzzled as to why only a small percentage of those who attended his seminars actually went out to make money , and then eventually realized attitudes/assumptions were the problem not the how-to so he changed his seminar format.

He went on and talked about lots.. about how if you he came across a property that lacked a garage he'd see that as a good thing because he after buying he could put in a garage and the value went up by such and such thousand dollars amount.. there were so many ways of raising property value (he even wrote a book listing 101 ways to increase property value, simple things like changing the mailbox) ... , stuff about how to use depreciation for tax credits, stuff about commercial property how he rented a funeral pyre, stuff about about how you should actually be offering the bank to give you the mortgate instead of approaching as the "please-please give me a mortgage, perhaps/maybe?" type begging the bank, it should be the bank begging on that.. , about how after the first, second or third property that you personally manage you should then be able to know what to ask when interviewing to hire a property manager, tips like a peep into your prospective tenant's car should give a clue as to how well they will take care of your house.. .. lots of stuff to digest, to apply one day ...

There were lots off people at this seminar, around 400 (2 columns of seats down the length of the room, 20 rows per column, 10 seats each, and packed). It was a multicultural (typical of Toronto perhaps?0 audience, mostly people who look like they are in their 30's but I also saw families, people who brought their eldest son/daughter or old parents.. Also saw Dexter, he runs a business renting records to DJ's, I met him a few weeks earlier at my first game of Cashflow 101 that I helped arrange ( a very fun/financially educational board game). I didnt get his email tho, must learn to do so next time =)

Overall the seminar was fun very educational and i hope the hosting organization will introduce a student discount someday because this seminar cost about ~ $60/ticket. but it was well spent.

As I came home with the TV turned on to Guys Night In , I remember Dolf de Roos saying:

"If you watch TV,
throw it out your window.
hmm.. its cold in toronto-
so maybe open your window first, then throw it out!
focus on real estate,
and then in 6 months you can get a bigger better TV.. maybe even HDTV .."


Posted Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 12/10/2002 07:06:59 PM

Well, well well

after the initial volunteer training session at TIG 1.5 weeks ago.., a flurry of emails, approvals, etc back and forth(I acted as lead volunteer contact), phone calls, one volunteer staying up late till 4AM..


Mix999 "12 Days of Christmas" eBay charity auction

is finally UP!! (started 6 pm, all items run for 10 days ending Dec. 20 6pm)


Theres a total of 99 items so amongst 3 volunteers working from our homes we each took care of 33 items. Some of these items - neat toys I never thought existed - I uploaded the Star Wars Lego Set , can you believe it - Republican destroyer, the skinny Battle Droid and the rollover-and-stand-up Destroyer Droid - AS LEGO!!! LOL!

Well then there was also a Harry Potter gift pack of goodies I uploaded, harry potter autographed stuff, clothing!!, potions kit??, its amazing. I think I know people who would want to know about this ..

Take a look at the other items if you are thinking of buying anything on ebay between now and Dec 20.. the mix 999 web person did a page to try to organize these items but to actually view them, scroll down to where the auction items are actually listed by eBay to see the 99 items. The bids are coming in fast...

100% goes to Starlight Children?s Foundation.

btw this is part of a volunteer project (the first time..), its’s Charitable Auction Volunteer Program, with TakingItGlobal and 2 other tech/volunteer organizations =p

more info here.. currently there are more volunteers than charities, so if you know any local/Canadian charities who would be interested..... let them know..


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