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Captain's blog: 2003/03

Posted Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 3/25/2003 08:26:08 PM

Walking across the field of grass on the front campus at this time of the year* can be quite therapeutic for the feet.

* the soil/grass combination, due to the melting snow/recent rain is soft and cushion-like when stepped on.

Posted Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 3/15/2003 09:32:54 PM

starlight, starbright,
i cant believe
im at school on a saturday night


going home now.

Posted Tuesday, March 04, 2003 at 3/4/2003 12:01:36 AM

Went to City Hall's Enterprise Toronto resource centre this morning to look at what resources they have on incorporating, provincially. At this point Im just doing early research, don't really know if I need to incorporate (Im thinking .. that the more biz ideas I try the more likely I'll risk getting sued or be exposed to some liability...and i plan to try lots of things so....there I was in the resource centre, scouting...) to be familiar with these things so I pretty much stumbled in and asked what resources they had on it. The lady immediately directed me to a website the Canada-Ontario Business Service centre . I actually expected some nice pre-printed handout "just for me" but I'll settle for this. It was actually good info because the CBSC are the people you'd actually mail your application to if you wanted to incorporate. I learned a few little things from the site, for example the $60 or so ( which enterprise toronto can do for you if u want) NUANS name search, is something you dont need to do if you choose to have a no-name, numbered corporation. eg 134903240913401384 Inc. or something like that. After finding some good, relevant documents, like #8105, #7010 (just do a search for those numbers and you'll see the documents) I found also pdf versions of the articles of incorporation and related docs.

Then on the suggestion of the resource lady I went right across to visit the CBSC, which is just 2 minutes walk out of city hall and across a parking lot and onto university ave. Wanted to know if they gave out any advice on incorporation - they don't (apparently they've stopped doing that because they find ppl just come back with conflicting opinions from lawyers. Instead you can buy a handbook on it for $6) . Also what i wanted was to try out the live name search (free), which only allows you to check names. It was thru some old IBM "INfoWindow" computer with a different type of keyboard than the standard ones we use less than 24 Function keys..F1 all the way to F24!!! It was a text-only program, I decided to test if it worked by searching "Toronto Dominion" (as in, the bank) and to my surprise there were around 10 I think, including one called Toronto Dominion Real Estate Inc... I thought banks werent interested in real estate... if they were they'd have so much money to buy everything... well it probably wasnt that, maybe not the TD im thinking of. Then I did a search for Shaw... because I have this idea that my corporation shud start with the name Shaw as in George Bernard Shaw. Shaw *something* Inc. I found several entries, including some Shaw Cemetry incorporated in 1873....

Anyway I think im going to finish printing these articles of incorporation and head to the reference library tomorrow to see what resources the business desk librarians might have on this...

and the new UTEC site is approved (for now) and running...


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