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Captain's blog: 2003/05

Posted Tuesday, May 27, 2003 at 5/27/2003 09:41:57 PM

hot air balloon ride, photo from TheWB.comThat was a GREAT episode of Smallville ( season 2 episode 8 "Ryan"). The scene with Clark giving the hot air balloon ride for his dying friend (a telepathic little boy, Ryan) brought a tear to my eye. Also really liked it when Lex, backed by his money/connections? drove up in his black porsche at the right time to help Clark and the Kents to protect Ryan from the evil doctor. Its not everyday the rich guy is portrayed as a good guy. Too bad Lex is supposed to turn evil later. Did Winston Churchill really react to the news of Pearl Harbor by popping the champaign (as Lex eloquently put it) and explaining it as a sign of victory - because the US was entering WW2 ?

I was actually hoping to see Season 3 of smallville after seeing the great cliffhanger season 2 finale last week. But since I have only watched a small portion of the smallville episodes I never came across this repeat episode so it was new to me. I think I’m going to start watching smallville more ... the theme of Clark Kent growing up, struggling/learning to live his life while being quite different from everyone else, is something I can identify with - minus the superpowers of course. =p

Posted Sunday, May 25, 2003 at 5/25/2003 10:50:39 PM

When I find myself with excessive time coming up (school over, summer months) I go on a book-reservation spree with the local public library. Probably in the same way someone with a sudden surplus of cash might go on a shopping spree. =)

Found tons of new business, entrepreneurship, investing, biography that new and revamped online catalog system.

See it here:

And congratz to brian and his team for winning the childnet awards with their youngbiznet site. They went to London for the awards and met in the real world for the first time I think =)

Posted Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 5/15/2003 09:19:01 PM

wow, my middle school Cyber teacher - the one who introduced me and the class to coding HTML, the internet, etc a looong time ago in 1995 - found my personal website. Hello to Ms Simon!

photo of what a handful of the leaf compost we took home today looks likeAnd today was our local Environment Day - though I didnt know this at first..

It was around 5:30 and my mom suddenly asked me to go with her to get some free compost at the supermarket. So then I found myself in the supermarket’s parking lot, with garden shovel in hand, attacking this huge mound of black, fertile fresh dirt - leaf compost, to be exact - as was a lot other people with their own shovels, putting the compost into buckets or bags and packing those into their cars to take home just like us.

It was probably a dumpster truck that just emptied the compost there, but it looked more like a gigantic meteorite of chocolate had fallen out of the sky, creating the huge central clump where it had hit but also splattering half of itself all over the place, and we were like little ants swarming around this interesting mess.

Then it started to rain so it wasn’t fun anymore, I was actually getting a bit cold, didnt really dress for rain or the outdoors because I thought we would be indoors at the supermarket handling neatly bag-packaged off-the-shelf compost or something like that and not out on the parking lot with shovels.

Other things in this parking lot, as part of this local environment day, besides this free compost, included a Goodwill truck where I saw people donating old chairs and computer monitors, a stall selling the city-of-toronto-made recycling/garden compost containers/boxes, and there was also a household hazardous wastes disposal area where you gave them your household chemical products and I guess they load it onto the truck and take it to the processing facilities. Most of them were wearing jeans, work boots but one man on the truck wore something that reminded me of the hazardous environment suits from the Half-Life series of games ( I remember cuz I just zipped thru and uninstalled Half-Life: Blue Shift only yesterday. A nice, happy ending, compared to the previous two games)


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