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Captain's blog: 2003/06

Posted Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 6/26/2003 10:08:20 AM

After 3 evening meetings, ICQ sessions, casual discussions over a few pool games, 3 to 4 pages of illegible chicken scratches, a shopping list, and a single html page later (detailing who’s to bring what) - our 3-days/2 nights Algonquin camping/canoeing trip is well on its way. Rain or shine, we’ll be up north in Algonquin this weekend (right before Canada Day)!

Our group of 6 people have actually been trying to do this since our High School OAC physics class ended.. but each summer the planning never got far.. we’ve accomplished more in the past week than we have in the past 2 years.

So, I read a tip somewhere I should have a record of our trip plan left somewhere before I leave, you know, in case we meet Bigfoot or fall trapped into a cave somewhere then they’ll know where to start searching-and-rescueing us. =o

Rough Plan

Thursday, June 26
- 2 ppl getting the majority of the food from no frills or food basics based on a shopping list
- another person getting the specially prepared meats for our muslim friends. Im actually curious/looking forward to trying/sampling that, although I can imagine theres no noticeable difference in taste.
- all else will be brought on friday so it all works out.

Friday, June 27
- late afternoon/evening: Jeff picks everyone up and drops us off so we sleepover in Vahagn’s basement, supplies and all.
- Jeff then must go catch some sleep cuz he’s driving us for 4 hours straight.

Saturday, June 28
- at 3:30 AM while its still dark we leave Vahagn’s place in the minivan w/ everything packed, driving for 4 hours up north to Algonquin. sleeping and then probably MP3s will be playing the rest of the way =)
- arrive 7:30 in the morning to get one of those first-come first-served campsites.. Pay attention to potential out-of-Park campsites on our way there, in case there are no sites in algonquin
- BREAKFAST: bring your own. eat while on road
- all goes well we go straight to our campsite, hopefully one of the central ones like Cannisbay, Mew Lake or Lake of Two Rivers campsite.
- setup, can explore nearby
- LUNCH @ campsite. cook/fry eggs, bread+cheese.
- a little hiking around the nearby trails before return to campsite
- DINNER @ campsite. Potatoes, chicken soup
- EVENING stuff (Marshmallows on the camp fire, card games in tent, whatever)

Sunday, June 29
- BREAKFAST @ campsite. eggs, potatoes
- drive over to Portage store, park the minivan, rent the Canoes and explore the lake/canoe routes either north or south from the Portage store. photos, etc
- LUNCH on the go. bread+cheese.
- return to Portage store, drive back to campsite
- DINNER @ campsite. Unspecified Soup, noodles, canned chicken.
- EVENING stuff
Monday, June 30
- BREAKFAST @ campsite. canned fish, bread, green beans or something.
- going hiking on one of the bigger trails, like 19, Km perhaps
- LUNCH on the go. (during hiking, etc). bread+cheese
- return to campsite , leave
- 4:30 leave algonquin for 4 hour drive home to Toronto.


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