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Captain's blog: 2004/01

Posted Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 1/13/2004 09:15:45 PM

Attended an introductory fencing workshop today at the Athletic Centre (it’s one of those 1 hour, introductory START workshops offered at the start of the semester). First half was spent on legwork, posturing, and only in the second half did we actually get to use a foil, but without contact - just thrust/lunge in your opponent/partner’s direction. My first time holding a foil - the handle is actually curved/molded to adjust for the big bulge at the base of your thumb, and you hold it like... I think of it as a pen-light grip, so as to allow your fingers the ability to manipulate/control the whole foil. Here are some photos after the workshop:

En Garde.

A lunge.

Another lunge.

Most of the workshop students are gone..the instructor seems to be starting to conduct his next class (he’s wearing the black face mask, olive green chestpiece).

Posted Monday, January 12, 2004 at 1/12/2004 05:32:18 PM

Just got off my first day of Aikido at Hart House. Yoshinkan style.

Memorable Sensei quote: "You don’t need to pay for a $50 massage" - just come to class. Its quite true. All that rolling on the mat today worked wonders for my back.


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