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Captain's blog: 2004/02

Posted Friday, February 27, 2004 at 2/27/2004 06:45:26 PM

nice internships! I hope there will always be as many high-profile opps like this every year.

Did you know: Anita Roddick worked for a while at the UN in Geneva (this was in her student days before she started the Body Shop).

Hmm..too bad I’ll have to wait till I complete university but definitely would make all this daily lecturing drudgery and essay writing worth it...sort of.

Posted Monday, February 23, 2004 at 2/23/2004 11:52:58 AM

How... resourceful. Im at the new college computer lab, in front of me are huge curtain windows that look out ino the little "quad" area and the rows upon rows of windows of the student residence. I just saw someone open their window, lay down their pair of soccer shoes on the small concrete framing ledge outside.. to dry/air the shoes perhaps. But, perhaps not trusting gravity and friction alone to hold the shoes in place, he then went on to tie both laces carefully to the window-crank before departing in a hurry.

Posted Sunday, February 01, 2004 at 2/1/2004 12:25:07 AM

Try this for a generic goal/objective (on a resume):

Internship at a growing, reputable company bent on world domination, or similarly grand aspirations. Preferably in a business-oriented role, while working near the latest and greatest technology. A friendly environment, with crazy ideas and having fun being the norm. Ideally located somewhere with warm, gentle ocean-front weather.

The latest updated resume here.


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