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Captain's blog: 2004/04

Posted Friday, April 30, 2004 at 4/30/2004 11:14:13 AM

Funniest lesson learned from the million dollar DARPA robot race across the desert:

Name Traveled What Went Wrong Lesson Learned
Team CajunBot Six-wheel ATV0.0 milesOn-off switch located on side of vehicle. Bumped into a wall on way out of start area. Turned self off."Put the on-off switch somewhere else."

Posted Saturday, April 10, 2004 at 4/10/2004 11:58:45 PM

Enjoyed a great dinner at Katsu (on Danforth) today with my Hart House Aikido group. My first time at a Japanese buffet, don’t know if all Japanese buffets work this way but this one had nice menu listing/order slips where you wrote the quantity you want beside the items you wanted, then they prepared it and brought it for you to eat. Repeat X times until full!

There was also quite a variety, maybe 40 or more items so it was a great way to learn about the food there whether you already knew what you were ordering, or just trying to see what it was. Someone else will eat it if you don’t, as we had about 13 or so people. We may have several Aikido white belts, a Jiu-jitsu veteran, but Kent is the man who holds the record for most sashimi consumed - more than 20 pieces, I lost count.

A huge lump of green, chunky wasabi on a little plate inspired us to discuss various prank ideas involving wasabi, including lumping enough wasabi on an ice cream cone and passing it to someone claiming it was green tea ice cream! (Beware, next time someone passes you an innocent-looking cone of Green Tea Ice Cream!) That inspired someone to want Green Tea Ice Cream, so we added ’Green Tea Ice Cream’ onto the menu listing/order slip, but then when we found out that they actually did have it but charged an additional $2.99 so we decided to cancel that. Other than that disappointment, most of us just kept on happily ordering.

At the end of the day, I hope this cozy little restaurant’s accounts aren’t in the red due to us.


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