Looking for Indirect Observations of Dry Deposition: The Ambient Ozone VPD Correlation
Sarah C. Kavassalis and Jennifer G. Murphy. Dry Deposition Workshop at Lamont, Palisades, NY . October 2017
Sarah Kavassalis*, A.L. Steiner, J.G. Murphy, Insights into the role of turbulence on model-measurement agreement of oxidants in forested environments, The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2019. (Talk)
,, Sarah Kavassalis*, From frozen eddies to coherent structures: Microscale challenges for atmospheric chemists, Atmospheric Research Group Seminar, York University, Toronto, ON. November 2019 (Invited Talk).
Sarah C. Kavassalis and Jennifer G. Murphy*, Looking for Indirect Observations of Dry Deposition: The Ambient Ozone-VPD Correlation. Dry Deposition Workshop at Lamont, Palisades, NY. October 2017. (Poster/Nano Talk)
Sarah C. Kavassalis, Jennifer G. Murphy, and Allison L. Steiner*, In-Canopy Turbulence: How Do Coherent Structures Affect Fluxes In and Out of the Canopy?. Dry Deposition Workshop at Lamont, Palisades, NY. October 2017. (Poster/Mini Talk)
, Sarah C. Kavassalis*, Jennifer G. Murphy, and Allison L. Steiner, Understanding the role of turbulence on in-canopy chemistry at the PROPHET site. IACPES Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Toronto, ON. September 2017. (Talk)
Sarah Kavassalis, Allison Steiner, and Jennifer G. Murphy*, The Role of Coherent Structures and Coupling Between the Atmosphere and Forest Canopy on Atmospheric Chemistry. The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Toronto, ON. June 2017. (Talk)
Sarah Kavassalis* and Jennifer Murphy, Implications of Coherent Turbulence Exchange on Atmospheric Chemistry During the PROPHET-AMOS 2016 Campaign. University of Toronto’s Environmental Chemistry Colloquium XVII, Toronto, ON. May 2017. (Talk)
Sarah Kavassalis*, A.L. Steiner, J.G. Murphy, S. Bertman, P.S. Stevens, One-dimensional canopy modeling of biogenic VOC during the 2016 PROPHET AMOS campaign. The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2016. (Poster)
Sarah Kavassalis* and Jennifer Murphy, Assessing the role of dry deposition in observed ozone-meteorology correlations. International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project 2016 Science Conference, Breckridge, CO. September 2016. (Poster)
, Sarah Kavassalis* and Jennifer Murphy, Ozone in Forested Environments: Towards a Canopy-Scale Chemistry Model Intercomparison. University of Toronto’s Environmental Chemistry Colloquium XVI, Toronto, ON. May 2016. (Talk)
Sarah Kavassalis* and Jennifer G. Murphy, The sensitivity of summer time surface ozone concentrations to dry deposition in the United States. 9th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Rochester, NY. October 2015. (Talk)
Sarah Kavassalis*, Determination of the atmospheric importance of microbially produced terrestrial volatile organic compounds (Research Proposal). University of Toronto, Department of Chemistry: Environmental Seminar Series, Toronto, ON. November 2015. (Talk)
Sarah Kavassalis* and Jennifer Murphy, Dry Deposition and Surface Ozone in North America. University of Toronto’s Environmental Chemistry Colloquium XV, Toronto, ON. June 2015. (Talk)
Sarah Kavassalis* and Jennifer Murphy, The Role of Climate Ecosystem Interactions on Summer Time Ground Level Ozone Pollution in North America. The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2014. (Poster)
* Presenting author
Ozone-VPD dry deposition work Coherent structure work Canopy modelling work Chemical segregation/stochastic modelling Misc.
Sarah C. Kavassalis and Jennifer G. Murphy. Dry Deposition Workshop at Lamont, Palisades, NY . October 2017
Sarah C. Kavassalis, Jennifer G. Murphy , and Allison L. Steiner. Dry Deposition Workshop at Lamont, Palisades, NY . October 2017.
Sarah Kavassalis, Allison L. Steiner, Jennifer G. Murphy, Hariprasad Dilip Alwe, Michelle Lew, Dylan B. Millet, Qianwen Shi, Steve Bertman, Philip S. Stevens, The PROPHET Campaign, The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2016. (Poster)
Sarah Kavassalis and Jennifer Murphy, International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project 2016 Science Conference, Breckridge, CO. September 2016.)
Sarah Kavassalis and Jennifer Murphy, The American Geophysical Union Fall Meetingi, San Francisco, CA. December 2014.
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