Ghosh, last updated April 2011
bibliography is a greatly reduced version of what appears in my monograph
(listed below), which functions in part as a handbook and guide to this
scholarship, and to which those readers are therefore referred who desire
further assistance with finding material on specific topics or guidance on what
the scholarship contains. Some works on other parts of Scandinavia are included
beyond Norway (and Iceland insofar as much of the Norwegian historiography was
written or preserved there), as are some studies of literature produced outside
Scandinavia; these topics, along with scholarship produced before c. 1980, are
only very selectively represented. Some studies of other Scandinavian material
(e.g. family sagas, heroic verse, economic and social history) are also listed
where their themes appear relevant for the study of historiography; similarly
some works of scholarship dealing with issues such as textual criticism and
editing that have a bearing on historiographic texts are also given below.
However, these topics are given only very sketchy coverage in this
bibliography; the handbooks listed below (Brink, Clover/Lindow, Ghosh, McTurk
and Pulsiano) will provide further guidance. Some internet resources are listed
on my links page.
For technical
reasons, the hooked ‘o’ is rendered as ‘ö’ throughout.
and additions (and questions) are very welcome: email me at
Abram, Christopher. 2001. “Scribal
Authority in Skaldic Verse: Þórbjörn hornklofi’s Glymdrápa”. ANF
116: 5–19.
Adolf Friðriksson and Orri Vésteinsson.
2003. “Creating a Past: A Historiography of the Settlement of Iceland”. In Contact,
Continuity, and Collapse: The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic, ed.
James Barrett: 139–61. SEM 5. Turnhout: Brepols.
Amory, Frederic. 1978. “Saga Style in Some
Kings’ Sagas, and Early Medieval Latin Narrative”. Acta philologica
Scandinavica 32: 67–86.
Andersson, Theodore M. 1985 “Kings’ Sagas
(Konungasögur)”. In Clover and Lindow, ed. 1985: 197–238.
1992. Review of Krag 1991. SS 64: 487–9.
. 1993. “Snorri Sturluson and the Saga School at
Munkaþverá”. In Wolf, ed. 1993: 9–25.
. 1994. “The
Politics of Snorri Sturluson”. JEGP 93: 55–78.
. 1998. “The
Continuation of *Hlaðajarla saga”. JEGP 97: 155–67.
. 1999. “The King
of Iceland”. Speculum 74: 923–34.
. 2004a. “The
First Icelandic Kings’ Saga: Oddr Snorrason’s Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar or
the Oldest Saga of Saint Olaf?”. JEGP 103: 139–55.
. 2004b. “Five
Saga Books for New Century”. JEGP 103: 505–27.
. 2006. The
Growth of the Medieval Icelandic Sagas (1180–1290). Ithaca: Cornell
University Press.
. 2008a. “From
Tradition to Literature in the Sagas”. In Mundal and Wellendorf, eds. 2008:
. 2008b. “The Oral
Sources of Óláfs saga Helga in Heimskringla”. SBVS 32:
. 2009. “The
Formation of the Kings’ Sagas”. In Ney, Williams and Ljungqvist, eds. 2009:
Andersson, Theodore M., and Kari Ellen
Gade. 1991. “Recent Old Norse-Icelandic Studies in the German-Speaking
Countries”. SS 63: 66–102.
Ármann Jakobsson. 1997. Í leit að
konungi: konungsmynd íslenskra konungasagna. Reykjavik: Háskólaútgáfan.
. 1998. “King and
Subject in Morkinskinna”. Skandinavistik 28: 101–17.
. 1999. “Rundt om
kongen: en genvurdering af Morkinskinna”. Maal og Minne 1: 71–90.
. 2000. “The
Individual and the Ideal: the Representation of Royalty in Morkinskinna”.
JEGP 99: 71–86.
. 2001a. “The
Amplified Saga: Structural Disunity in Morkinskinna”, Medium Ævum
70: 29–46.
. 2001b.
“Strukturelle Brüche in der Morkinskinna”. In Arbeiten zur
Skandinavistik: 14. Arbeitstagung der deutschsprachigen Skandinavistik, ed.
Annegret Heitmann: 389–400. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang.
. 2002. Staður
í nýjum heimi: konungasagan Morkinskinna. Reykjavik: Háskólaútgáfan.
. 2005. “Royal
Biography”. In McTurk, ed. 2005: 388–402.
Bagge, Sverre. 1989 “Theodoricus
Monachus—Clerical Historiography in Twelfth-Century Norway”. SJH 14:
. 1990. “Harald
Hardråde i Bysants: to fortellinger, to kulturer”. In Hellas og Norge:
Kontakt, komparasjon, kontrast, ed. Øivind Andersen and Thomas Hägg:
169–92. Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Intsitutt i Athen 2. Bergen: Klassisk
institutt, Universitetet i Bergen.
. 1991. Society
and Politics in Snorri Sturluson’s Heimskringla. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
. 1995.
“Nationalism in Norway in the Middle Ages”. SJH 20: 1–18.
. 1996. From
Gang Leader to the Lord’s Anointed: Kingship in “Sverris Saga” and “Hákonar
saga Hákonarsonar”. VC 8. Odense: Odense University Press.
. 1997. “Icelandic
Uniqueness or a Common European Culture? The Case of the Kings’ Sagas”. SS 69:
. 2004. “A Hero
between Paganism and Christianity: Håkon the Good in Memory and History”. In
Hoff et al, eds. 2004: 185–210.
. 2006. “The
Making of a Missionary King: The Medieval Accounts of Olaf Tryggvason and the
Conversion of Norway”. JEGP 105: 473–513.
Bagge, Sverre, and Sæbjørg Walaker
Nordeide. 2007. “The Kingdom of Norway”. In Christianization and the Rise of
Christian Monarchy: Scandinavia, Central Europe and Rus’ c. 900–1200, ed.
Nora Berend: 121–66. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bandle, Oskar. 1993. “Tradition und
Fiktion in der Heimskringla”. In Wolf, ed. 1993: 27–47.
Battista, Simonetta. 2003. “Old Norse
Hagiography and the Question of Latin Sources”. In Scandinavia and Christian
Europe in the Middle Ages: Papers of the 12th International Saga
Conference, ed. Rudolf Simek and Judith Meurer. Bonn: Hausdrückerei der
Universität Bonn (unpaginated copy accessed online on 16 September 2009 at
Beck, Heinrich. 2005. “Snorri Sturlusons
Konstruktion eines Vorzeitkönigtums”. In Erkens, ed. 2005: 125–40.
Bekker-Nielsen, Hans, and Birte Carlé,
eds. 1994. Saints and Sagas: A Symposium. Odense: Odense University
Berger, Alan. J. 1999. “Heimskringla
and the Compilations”. ANF 114: 5–15.
Bergsveinn Birgisson. 2008. “What Have We
Lost by Writing? Cognitive Archaisms in Skaldic Poetry”. In Mundal and
Wellendorf, eds. 2008: 163–84.
Beyschlag, Siegfried. 1950. Konungasögur:
Untersuchungen zur Königssaga bis Snorri: Die älteren Übersichtswerke samt
Ynglingasaga. BA 8. Copenhagen: Munksgaard.
. 1953.
“Möglichkeiten mündlicher Überlieferung in der Königssaga”. ANF 68:
. 1981.
“Arbeitsthesen zum Geschichtswissen der Königssaga (von Harald Schönhaar
bis Hakon Jarl)”. In Akten der vierten Arbeitstagung der Skandinavisten des
deutschen Sprachgebiets, ed. Fritz Paul: 73–84. Scandica wissenschaftliche
Reihe 2. Hattingen: Scandica.
. 1986. “Die
Reichseinigungen der beiden Olafe nach Fagrskinna und Snorri im
Vergleich zu Skaldik und Sverrir”. In Germanic Dialects: Linguistic and
Philological Investigations, ed. Bela Brogyanyi and Thomas Krömmelbein:
9–41. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Series
4: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 38. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bibire, Paul. 2007. “On Reading the
Icelandic Sagas: Approaches to Old Icelandic Texts”. In West over Sea:
Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement Before 1300, ed.
Beverley Ballin Smith, Simon Taylor, and Gareth Williams: 3–18. TNW 31. Leiden:
Bjarni Einarsson. 1974. “On the Rôle of
Verse in Saga-Literature”. MS 7: 118–25.
Bjarni Guðnason. 1977. “Theodoricus og
íslenskir sagnaritarar”. In Einar G. Pétursson and Jónas Kristjánsson, eds.
1977: 107–20.
. 1981. “The
Icelandic Sources of Saxo Grammaticus”. In Karsten Friis-Jensen, ed.
1981: 79–93.
Blöndal, Sigfús, and Benedikt S. Benedikz.
1978. The Varangians of Byzantium. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Bolton, Timothy. 2007. “Was the Family of
Earl Siward and Earl Waltheof a Lost Line of the Ancestors of the Danish Royal
Family?”. Nottingham Medieval Studies 51: 41–71.
. The Empire of
Cnut the Great: Conquest and the Consolidation of Power in Northern Europe in
the Early Eleventh Century. TNW 40. Leiden: Brill.
Boulhosa, Patricia Pires. 2005. Icelanders
and the Kings of Norway: Mediaeval Sagas and Legal Texts. TNW 17. Leiden:
Brink, Stefan, ed. 2008. The Viking
World. London: Routledge.
Christiansen, Eric. 2006a. The Norsemen
in the Viking Age. Oxford: Blackwell.
Ciklamini, Marlene. 1978. Snorri
Sturluson. Twayne’s World Author Series 493. Boston: Twayne Publishers.
Clover, Carol J. 1982. The Medieval
Saga. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
. 1985. “Icelandic
Family Sagas”. In Clover and Lindow, eds. 1985: 239–315.
Clover, Carol J., and John Lindow, eds.
1985. Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Critical Guide. Islandica 45.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press [reprinted by the University of Toronto Press
in 2005 as number 42 in the series Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching, with
a new preface by Theodore M. Andersson].
Clunies Ross, Margaret. 1999. “From
Iceland to Norway: Essential Rites of Passage for an Early Icelandic Skald”.
alvissmál 9: 55–72.
. 2005. A
History of Old Norse Poetry and Poetics. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer.
. 2007. “Stylistic
and Generic Definers of the Old Norse Ekphrasis”. VMS 3: 161–92.
. 2009a. “Medieval
Icelandic Textual Culture”. Gripla 20: 163–81.
. 2009b. “Poets
and Ethnicity”. In Ney, Williams and Ljungqvist, eds. 2009: 185–92.
. 2010. The
Cambridge Introduction to the Old Norse-Icelandic Saga. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Clunies Ross, Margaret, ed. 2000. Old
Icelandic Literature and Society. CSML 42. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Cormack, Margaret. 2005. “Christian
Biography”. In McTurk, ed. 2005: 27–42.
Dallapiazza, Michael, Olaf Hansen, Preben
Meulengracht Sørensen and Yvonne S. Bonnetain, eds. 2000. International
Scandinavian and Medieval Studies in Memory of Gerd Wolfgang Weber.
Hesperides 12. Trieste: Parnaso.
Danielsson, Tommy. 2002a. Hrafnkels
saga eller Fallet med den undflyende traditionen. Hedemora: Gidluns Förlag.
. 2002b. Sagorna
om Norges kungar: från Magnús góði till Magnús Erlingsson. Hedemora:
Gidluns Förlag.
Del Zotto, Carla. 2005. “Paradigmi
agiografici nella storiografia medievale sulla conversione della Scandinavia”. Rivista
di cultura classica e medioevale 47: 361–81.
Dronke, Ursula, Guðrún P. Helgadóttir,
Gerd Wolfgang Weber and Hans Bekker-Nielsen, eds. 1981. Specvlvm Norroenum:
Norse Studies in Memory of Gabriel Turville-Petre. Odense: Odense
University Press.
Duke, Siân. 2001. “From Bede to Ari:
Extending the Borders of Christendom”. Quaestio 2: 27–42.
Dørum, Knut. 2001. “Det norske riket som
odel: Harald Hårfagres ætt”. HT(N) 80: 323–42.
Ekrem, Inger. 2003. ‘Essay on Date and
Purpose’. In Historia Norwegie, ed. Inger Ekrem and Lars Boje Mortensen:
156–225. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.
Faulkes, Anthony, and Richard Perkins, ed.
1993. Viking Revaluations: Viking Society Centenary Symposium 14-15 May 1992.
London: Viking Society for Northern Research.
Fell, Christine. 1981. “Víkingarvísur”. In
Dronke et al, eds. 1981: 106–22.
Fentress, James, and Chris Wickham. 1992. Social
Memory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Fidjestøl, Bjarne. 1982. Det norrøne
fyrstediktet. Nordisk Institutts skriftserie 11. Øvre Ervik: Alvheim &
1997a. “European and Native Tradition in Óláfs saga helga”. In Fidjestøl
1997e: 184–200.
. 1997b [orig.
1994]. “Norse-Icelandic Composition in the Oral Period”. In Fidjestøl 1997e:
. 1997c [orig.
1993]. “Óláfr Tryggvason the Missionary: A Literary Portrait from the Middle
Ages”. In Fidjestøl 1997e: 201–27.
. 1997d [orig.
1993]. “Skaldic Stanzas and Saga Prose. Observations on the Relationship
between Prose and Verse in Snorri’s Heimskringla”. In Fidjestøl 1997e:
. 1997e. Selected
Papers, ed. Odd Einar Haugen and Else Mundal. Trans. Peter Foote. VC 9.
Odense: Odense University Press.
Foerster, Thomas. 2009. Vergleich und
Identität: Selbst- und Fremddeutung im Norden des hochmittelalterlichen Europa.
EM 14. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Foote, Peter G. 1984a. “Aachen, Lund,
Hólar”. In Les relations littéraires: 53–73 [cited from the reprint with
a postscript in Foote 1984b: 101–20].
. 1984b. Aurvandilstá,
ed. Michael Barnes, Hans Bekker-Nielsen and Gerd Wolfgang Weber. VC 2. Odense:
Odense University Press.
. 1994. “Saints’
Lives and Sagas”. In Bekker-Nielsen and Carlé, eds. 1994: 73–88.
. 2004. “Icelandic
Historians and the Swedish Image. Comments on Snorri and his Precursors”. In
his Kreddur: Select Studies in Early Icelandic Law and Literature,
154–81. Reykjavik: Hið íslenzka fornritfélag.
Foote, Peter G., and David M. Wilson.
1970. The Viking Achievement. London: Sidgwick and Jackson.
Friis-Jensen, Karsten. 1987. Saxo
Grammaticus as Latin Poet: Studies in the Verse Passages of the Gesta Danorum.
Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, Supplementa 14. Rome: L’Erma di
. 1988. “Saxo
Grammaticus’s Bjarkamál and its Latin Models”. In Janni, ed. 1988: 307–15.
. 1992. “Saxo
Grammaticus’s Study of the Roman Historiographers and His Version of History”.
In Saxo Grammaticus tra storiografia e letteratura, ed. Carlo Santini:
61–81. I conveni di classiconorroena 1. Bevagna: Il calamo.
Friis-Jensen, Karsten, ed. 1981. Saxo
Grammaticus: A Medieval Author Between Norse and Latin Culture. Danish
Medieval History and Saxo Grammaticus 2. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.
Friis-Jensen, Karsten, and Inge
Skovgaard-Petersen, eds. 2000. Archbishop Absalon of Lund and his
World. Roskilde: Roskilde museums forlag.
Gade, Kari Ellen. 1997. “Northern Lights
on the Battle of Hastings”. Viator 28: 65–81.
. 2000a. “Morkinskinna’s
“Giffarðsþáttr”: Literary Fiction or Historical Fact?”. Gripla 11:
. 2000b. “Poetry and Its Changing
Importance in Medieval Icelandic Culture”. In Clunies Ross, ed. 2000: 61–95.
. 2001. “The
Dating and Attributions of Verses in the Skald Sagas”. In Poole, ed. 2001:
. 2004. “Morkinskinna
and 25th September 1066”. In Hoff et al, eds. 2004: 211–23.
Gelsinger, Bruce E. 1988. “The Battle of
Stamford Bridge and the Battle of Jaffa: a Case of Confused Identity?”. SS
60: 13–29.
Ghosh, Shami. 2011. Kings’ Sagas and
Norwegian History: Problems and Perspectives. Leiden: Brill.
Glauser, Jürg. 2000. “Sagas of Icelanders
(Íslendinga sögur) and Þættir as the Literary Representation of a
New Social Space”. In Clunies Ross, ed. 2000: 203–20.
. 2007. “The Speaking Bodies of Saga Texts”. In
Quinn, Heslop and Wills, eds. 2007: 13–26.
Goeres, Erin Michelle. 2010. “The King is
Dead, Long Live the King: Commemoration in the Skaldic Verse of the Viking
Age”. Diss. Oxford.
Gottskálk Jensson. 2004. “The Lost Latin
Literature of Medieval Iceland: The Fragments of the Vita sancti Thorlaci
and Other Evidence”. SO 79: 150–70.
Grove, Jonathan. 2007. “The Contest of
Verse-Making in Old Norse-Icelandic Skaldic Poetry”. Diss. Toronto.
Guðrún Nordal. 1998. Ethics and Action
in Thirteenth-Century Iceland. VC 11. Odense: Odense University Press.
. 2000. “The
Contemporary Sagas and their Social Context”. In Clunies Ross, ed. 2000:
. 2001. Tools
of Literacy: The Role of Skaldic Verse in Icelandic Textual Culture of the
Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Gunnar Karlsson. 1993. “A Century of
Research on Icelandic Society”. In Faulkes and Perkins, eds. 1993: 15–25.
. 2000. Iceland’s
1100 Years: History of a Marginal Society. London: Hurst & Co.
. 2004. Goðamenning:
Staða og áhrif goðorðsmanna í þjóðveldi Íslendinga. Reykjavik:
Haki Antonsson. 2007. St. Magnús of
Orkney: A Scandinavian Martyr-Cult in Context. TNW 29. Leiden: Brill.
Hanssen, Jens S. T. 1945. “Observations on
Theodoricus Monachus and His History of the Old Norwegian Kings from the End of
the XII. Sec.”. SO 24: 164–80.
. 1949.
“Theodoricus Monachus and European Literature”. SO 27: 70–127.
Harris, Joseph. 1972. “Genre and Narrative
Structure in some Íslendinga þættir”. SS 44: 1–27.
. 1975. “Genre in
the Saga Literature: A Squib”. SS 47: 427–35.
. 1976. “Theme and
Genre in Some Íslendinga þættir”. SS 48: 1–28.
. 1986. “Saga as
Historical Novel”. In Lindow, Lönnroth and Weber, ed. 1986: 187–219.
Helle, Knut. 1993. “Norway, 800–1200”. In
Faulkes and Perkins, eds. 1993: 1–14.
. 1995. “Part I:
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Trans. Michael Drake: 3–119. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
. 2003. “The
Norwegian Kingdom: Succession Disputes and Consolidation”. In Helle, ed. 2003:
Helle, Knut, ed. 2003. The Cambridge
History of Scandinavia, i: Prehistory to 1520. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Hermann Pálsson. 1999. Oral Tradition
and Saga Writing. SMS 3. Vienna: Fassbaender.
Hermann, Pernille. 2007. “Íslendingabók
and History”. In Reflections on Old Norse Myths, ed. Pernille Hermann,
Jens Peter Schjødt, and Rasmus Tranum Kristensen: 17–32. Studies in Viking and
Medieval Scandinavia 1. Turnhout: Brepols.
. 2009. “Concepts
of Memory and Approaches to the Past in Medieval Icelandic Literature”. SS
81: 287–308.
Hoff, Karin, et al, eds. 2004. Poetik
und Gedächhtnis: Festschrift für Heiko Uecker zum 65. Geburtstag. Beiträge
zur Skandinavistik 17. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang.
Hofmann, Dietrich. 1978–9. “Sagaprosa als
Partner von Skaldenstrophen”. MS 11: 68–71.
Jackson, Tatjana N. 1984. “On Snorri
Sturluson’s Creative Activity: The Problem of Writer Intrusion into the
Narrative”. ANF 99: 107–25.
Jakob Benediktsson. 1966–9. “Landnámabók:
Some Remarks on Its Value as a Historical Source”. SBVS 17: 275–92.
Jesch, Judith. 1994. “In Praise of Ástríðr
Óláfsdóttir”. SBVS 24: 1–18.
. 1996. “Norse
Historical Traditions and the Historia Gruffudd vab Kenan: Magnús
Berfœttr and Haraldr hárfagri”. In Gruffudd ap Cynan: A Collaborative
Biography, ed. K. L. Maund: 117–47. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
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Johnsen, Arne Odd. 1939. Om Theodoricus
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av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, II. Hist.-Filos. Klasse 3. Oslo: J.
Jón Jóhannesson. 1974. A History of the
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University of Manitoba Press.
Jørgensen, Jon Gunnar. 1995. “Snorre
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forfatter”. Gripla 9: 45–62.
Jørgensen, Jon Gunnar, Karsten
Friis-Jensen and Else Mundal, eds. 2010. Saxo og Snorre. Copenhagen:
Museum Tusculanum Press.
Karlsen, Espen, and Kyrre Vatsend. 1993.
“On Theodoricus Monachus’ Use of Late Classical Authors”. CM 16: 239–64.
Knirk, James E. 1993. “Old Norwegian
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Kopár, Lilla. 1997. “Leben und Taten
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In Arbeiten zur Skandinavistik: 13. Arbeitstagung der deutschsprachigen
Skandinavistik, ed. Fritz Paul: 181–8. TUGS 45. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter
Krag, Claus. 1989. “Norge som odel i
Harald Hårfagres ætt”. HT(N) 68: 288–302.
. 1991. Ynglingatal
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. 1998. “Harald
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muntlig tradisjion”. CM 11: 9–31.
. 2002. “Myten om
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. 2003. “The Early
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Kramarz-Bein, Susanne. 1994. “Zur
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Kreutzer, Gert. 1994. “Das Bild Harald
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Lange, Gudrun. 1989. Die Anfänge der
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. 1967. “The Noble
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. 1975a.
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In Les relations littéraires: 29–46.
. 1975b. “The
Concept of Genre in Saga Literature”. SS 47: 419–26.
. 1976. “Ideology
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. 1986. “Dómaldi’s
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Lunden, Kåre. 1995. “Was There a Norwegian
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Foreign Languages in Medieval Iceland”. SBVS 22: 180–223.
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Kick, eds. 2006. The Fantastic in Old Norse/Icelandic Literature: Sagas and
the British Isles: Preprint Papers of the 13th International Saga
Conference. 2006. Durham: Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,
Durham University (the papers are also available online at:
McTurk, Rory. 1974. “Sacral Kingship in
Ancient Scandinavia. A Review of Some Recent Writings”. SBVS 19: 138–69.
. 1994.
“Scandinavian Sacral Kingship Revisited”. SBVS 14: 19–32.
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