Camp Kodiak, August 29 to Sept. 1, 2003.
When I first arrived at the camp, I didn't know what to expect. In the
beginning I thought the only activity that we do is PRAY all day, that assumption was
later proven to be false. There were many activities we did in the camp
portrayed the theme of 'Gift of Life', and the importance of giving ourselves to
others. In this camp, I finally discovered God has given us many gifts so that
we can all share these gifts and talents with others. In addition, I met a lot of wonderful
people along the way :).
After I watched the Mexico presentation, I was in tears (sort of, I'm a guy remember) because I felt the torturing and suffering that these people went through
(and still going through right now). I noticed how fortunate we are to be living
in Canada, however we often take things for granted and failed to appreciate the
things God has given us. I often question God, "Why can't we all live in the same
way (living standards)?", "Why can't we enjoy life together?" Paul has pointed out that God is waiting, He is waiting for us to help these poor people.
I believe life is God's test, to test what kind of people we are to determine if we deserve to be in His kingdom. Are we selfish people? Do we share
with the unfortunate people? Are we willing to give ourselves to others? If we do
not follow Jesus' footsteps, then there is no point of going to church. Everything we do, God is watching us and will never leave us all alone.
I would like to thank all my friends (old and new), "patience" group members, cabin members, all the executives that helped organize this camp, and everyone
who contributed at this camp for making this a pleasant experience not only for myself,
but most importantly, my brothers and sisters.
God Bless.