E-mail: shawn.lehman"at"utoronto.ca
(Please replace the "at" with the @ symbol when using the above e-mail address).

Office: Room #404 of the Anthropology Building (19 Russell Street). If you hear loud music, then I'm in and free to talk. Otherwise, please enjoy the cartoons on my office door.

Office hours: By appointment.

Mailing Address:
Dr. Shawn M. Lehman
Department of Anthropology
19 Ursula Franklin Street
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S2S2
Phone: Nope, too many telemarketers and annoying "you've won a cruise!!" or "I'm from Microsoft and we've detected an issue with your computer" or my favorite: "We are calling from the duct cleaning service."
Fax: 416-978-3217