
Selected Publications
Selected copies of these works and other projects can be found
on my ResearchGate
profile.2024 Ramsay, M.S., F.M. Malabet, H., Ravelonjanahary, A. Razafindrakoto, and S.M. Lehman. Spatial patterns of roadkill within Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar. Austral Ecology 49(6): e13531.
2024 Malabet, F.M., M. Ramsay, C. Chell, B. Andriatsitohaina , U. Radespiel, and S.M. Lehman. Where the small things are: Modelling edge effects on mouse lemur population density and distribution in northwestern Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology e23621.
2023 Steffens, T.S., M.S. Ramsay, F.M. Malabet, and S.M. Lehman. The effects of forest loss and fragmentation on non-volant mammals. In S.M. Goodman (ed.). The New Natural History of Madagascar (pp. 1812-1817). Princeton, Princeton University Press.
2023 Ramsay, M.S., G. Sgarlata, C.D. Barratt, J. Salmona, B. Andriatsitohaina, F. Kiene, S. Manzi, M.L. Ramilison, L. Chikhi, S.M. Lehman, and U. Radespiel. Effects of forest fragmentation on connectivity and genetic diversity in an endemic and an invasive rodent in northwestern Madagascar. Genes 14(7):1451.
2022 Lehman, S.M. and F.M. Malabet. Seasonal variations in lemur edge proximity in south-eastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 43:657–676.
2022 Steffens, T.S., M.S. Ramsay, B. Andriatsitohaina, A.E. Cosby, S.M. Lehman, R. Rakotondravony, M. Razafitsalama, H. Teixeira, and U. Radespiel. Shifting biogeographic patterns of Microcebus ravelobensis and M. murinus (Invited paper). International Journal of Primatology 43:636–656.
2022 Frappier-Brinton, T. and S.M. Lehman. The burning island: Spatiotemporal patterns of fire occurrence in Madagascar. PLOS ONE 31 (17):e0263313.
2021 Steffens, T.S., M.S. Ramsay, B. Andriatsitohaina, U. Radespiel, and S.M. Lehman. Enter the Matrix: Use of secondary matrix by mouse lemurs. Folia Primatologica 92(1):1-11.
2021 Steffens, T.S. and S.M. Lehman. Landscape ecology of deforestation processes and lemur biogeography in Madagascar. In C.A. Shaffer, F. Dollins, J.R. Hickey, N.P. Nibbelink, and L. Porter (Eds). Spatial Analysis in Field Primatology: Applying GIS at Varying Scales (pp. 365-382). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2020 Andriatsitohaina B., D. Romero-Mujalli, M.S. Ramsay, F. Kiene, S. Rasoloharijaona, E. Rakotondravony, S.M.Lehman, and U. Radespiel. Effects of habitat edges on vegetation structure and the Endangered Golden-brown Mouse Lemur (Microcebus ravelobensis) in northwestern Madagascar. BMC Ecology 20, 69.
2020 Steffens, T.S., F.M. Malabet, and S.M. Lehman. Occurrence of lemurs in landscapes and their species-specific scale responses to habitat loss. American Journal of Primatology 82(4):e23110.
2020 Andriatsitohaina, B., M.S. Ramsay, F. Kiene, S.M. Lehman, R. S. Rasoloharijaon, R. Rakotondravony, and U. Radespiel. Ecological fragmentation effects in mouse lemurs and small mammals in northwestern Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology 82(4):e23059.
2020 Morelli, T.L., A.B. Smith, A.N. Mancini, E.A. Balko, C. Borgerson, R. Dolch, Z. Farris, S. Federman, C.D. Golden, S. Holmes, M. Irwin, R.L. Jacobs, S. Johnson, T. King, S.M. Lehman, E.E. Louis, Jr., A. Murphy, H.N.T. Randriahaingo, H. L. Randrianarimanana, J. Ratsimbazafy, O.H. Razafindratsima, and A.L. Baden. The fate of Madagascar's rainforest habitat. Nature Climate Change (10):89–96.
2019 Steffens, T.S. and S.M. Lehman. Species-area relationships of lemurs in a fragmented landscape in Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology 81(4): e22972.
2019 Ramsay M.S., A. Razafindrakoto, and S.M. Lehman. The effects of a national highway on the endangered golden-brown mouse lemur, Microcebus ravelobensis in Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar. Oryx 53(4):727-731.
2019 Radespiel U., J. Schulte, R. Burke, and S.M. Lehman. Molecular edge effects in the endangered golden-brown mouse lemur (Microcebus ravelobensis). Oryx 53(4):716-726.
2019 Barnett, A.A., K.M. McGoogan, and S.M. Lehman. Primates of riverine and gallery forests: a worldwide overview. In A.A. Barnett, I. Matsuda, and K. Nowak (Eds) Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation, pp. 259-262. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2018 Steffens, T.S. and S.M. Lehman. Lemur species-specific metapopulation responses to habitat loss and fragmentation. PLOS ONE 13(5):e0195791. link to article
2017 Malcolm, J.R., K. Valenta, and S.M. Lehman. Edge effects in tropical dry forests of Madagascar: additivity or synergy? Landscape Ecology 32(2):327-341.
2016 Valenta, K., C.N. Miller, S.K. Monckton, S.A. Styler, D.J. Jackson, A.D. Melin, S.M. Lehman, C.A. Chapman and M.J. Lawes. Fruit ripening signals and cues in a Madagascan dry forest: Haptic indicators reliably indicate fruit ripeness to dichromatic lemurs. Evolutionary Biology 43(3):344-355.
2016 Valenta, K., M. Edwards, R.R. Rafaliarison, S.E. Johnson, S.M. Holmes, K.A. Brown, N.J. Dominy, S.M. Lehman, E.J. Parra, and A.D. Melin. Visual ecology of true lemurs suggests a cathemeral origin for the primate cone opsin polymorphism. Functional Ecology 30:932-942 .
2016 Ross, A.C. and S.M. Lehman. Infant transport and mother-infant contact from 1 to 26 weeks postnatal in Coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) in northwestern Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology 78(6):646–658.
2016 Boyle, S. A., Thompson, C. L., Deluycker, A., Alvarez, S. J., Alvim, T. H. G., Aquino, R., Bezerra, B. M., Boubli, J. P., Bowler, M., Caselli, C. B., Chagas, R. R. D., Ferrari, S. F., Fontes, I. P., Gregory, T., Haugaasen, T., Heiduck, S., Hores, R., Lehman, S. M., de Melo, F. R., Moreira, L. S., Moura, V. S., Nagy-Reis, M. B., Palacios, E., Palminteri, S., Peres, C. A., Pinto, L., Port-Carvalho, M., Rodríguez, A., dos Santos, R. R., Setz, E. Z. F., Shaffer, C. A., Silva, F. E., Soares da Silva, R. F., Souza-Alves, J. P., Trevelin, L. C., Veiga, L. M., Vieira, T. M., DuBose, M. E. and Barnett, A. A . Geographic comparison of plant genera used in frugivory among the pitheciids Cacajao, Callicebus, Chiropotes, and Pithecia. American Journal of Primatology 78(5):493-506.
2016 Valenta, K. and S.M. Lehman. Microcebus spp as seed dispersers in the depauperate frugivore communities of Madagascar. In S.M. Lehman, U. Radespiel, E. Zimmermann (Editors). Dwarf and Mouse Lemurs of Madagascar: Biology, Behavior, and Conservation Biogeography of the Cheirogaleidae, pp. 353-365. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
2016 Steffens, T.S. and S.M. Lehman. Factors determining Microcebus abundance in a fragmented landscape. In S.M. Lehman, U. Radespiel, E. Zimmermann (Editors). Dwarf and Mouse Lemurs of Madagascar: Biology, Behavior, and Conservation Biogeography of the Cheirogaleidae, pp. 477-497. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
2016 Lehman, S.M., U. Radespiel, and E. Zimmermann. Conservation biology of the Cheirogalidae: Future research directions. In S.M. Lehman, U. Radespiel, E. Zimmermann (Editors). Dwarf and Mouse Lemurs of Madagascar: Biology, Behavior, and Conservation Biogeography of the Cheirogaleidae, pp. 520-540. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
2016 Lehman, S.M. Edge effects on tree dendrometrics, abiotics, and mouse lemur densities in western dry forests in Madagascar. In S.M. Lehman, U. Radespiel, E. Zimmermann (Editors). Dwarf and Mouse Lemurs of Madagascar: Biology, Behavior, and Conservation Biogeography of the Cheirogaleidae, pp. 462-476. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
2015 Valenta, K., K.A. Brown, R.R. Rafaliarison, S.A. Styler, D.J. Jackson, S.M. Lehman, C.A. Chapman and A.D. Melin. Sensory integration during foraging: the importance of fruit hardness, colour, and odour to brown lemurs. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 69:1855-1865.
2015 Valenta, K., T.S. Steffens, R. Rafaliarison, C.A. Chapman, and S.M. Lehman. Fragments have enhanced seed banks in a tropical dry forest in Madagascar. Biotropica 47(4):435-440.
2014 Burke, R.J. and S.M. Lehman. Edge effects on abundance and body mass in two species of mouse lemurs in north west Madagascar. Folia Primatologica (Special Mini Issue on Primate Biogeography) 85:277–291.
2013 Lehman S.M. Effects of altitude on the conservation biogeography of lemurs in south east Madagascar. In S. Gursky, A. Krzton, and N. Grows (Editors) High Altitude Primates, pp. 3-22. New York: Springer Press, Developments in Primatology.
2013 Valenta, K., R. Burke, S.A. Styler, D.A. Jackson, A. Melin, and S.M. Lehman. Colour and odour drive fruit selection and seed dispersal by mouse lemurs. Scientific Reports 3: 2424.
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2013 Lehman S.M., J.-C. Vie, M.A. Norconk, B. Urbani, N. Ceballos-Mago, and C. Portillo. The Guyana Shield: Venezuela and the Guyanas. In A.A. Barnett, L.M. Veiga, S.F. Ferrari, and M.A. Norconk (Editors) Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris, pp 311-319. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2013 Lehman, S.M. Evolutionary ecology of the Pitheciinae: Evidence for energetic equivalence or phylogenetically structured environmental variation? In A.A. Barnett, L.M. Veiga, S.F. Ferrari, and M.A. Norconk (Editors) Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris, pp. 106-113. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2012 Barnett, A.A., S. Boyle, M. Norconk, S. Palminteri, R. Santos, L. Veiga, T. Alvim, M. Bowler, J. Chism, A. di Fiore, E. Fernandez-Duque, A.C.P. Guimaraes, A. Harrison-Levine, T. Haugaasen, S. M. Lehman, K. Mackinnon, F. de Melo, L. Moreira, V. Moura, C. Phillips, L. Pinto, M. Port-Carvalho, E. Setz, C. Shaffer, L. Rodrigues da Silva, S. da Silva, R. Soares, C. Thompson, T. Vieira, A. Vreedzaam, S. Walker-Pacheco, W. Spironello, A. Maclarnon, and S. Ferrari. Terrestriality in Pitheciines: Is ground-use an unexplored niche for platyrrhines? American Journal of Primatology 74(12):1106-1127.
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2012 Crowley, B.E., K.M. McGoogan, and S.M. Lehman. Edge effects on foliar stable isotope values in a Madagascan tropical dry forest. PLoS One 7(9):e44538.
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2012 Kamilar, J.M., K.M. Muldoon, S.M. Lehman, and J.P. Herrera. Testing Bergmann's Rule and the resource seasonality hypothesis in Malagasy primates using GIS-based climate data. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147(3):401-408.
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2008 Wright, P.C., S.E. Johnson, M.T. Irwin, R. Jacobs, P. Schlichting, S.M. Lehman, E.E. Louis, S.J. Arrigo-Nelson, J.-L. Raharison, R.R. Rafalirarison, V. Razafindratsita, J. Ratsimbazafy, F.J. Ratelolahy, R. Dolch, and C. Tan. The crisis of Prolemur simus, the greater bamboo lemur. Primate Conservation 23:5-17.
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2007 McGoogan, K., T. Kivell, M. Hutchinson, H. Young, S. Blanchard, M. Keeth, and S.M. Lehman. Phylogenetic diversity measures and the conservation biogeography of African primates. Journal of Biogeography 34(11):1962-1974.
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2007 Lehman, S.M., M. Nargolwalla, A. Faulkner, N. Taylor, and R. Lundy. A test of the optimal body size model for strepsirhines. International Journal of Primatology 28(1):211-230.
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2007 Lehman, S.M. Ecological and phylogenetic correlates to body size in the Indriidae. International Journal of Primatology28(1):183-210.
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2007 Lehman, S.M. Spatial variations in Eulemur fulvus rufus and Lepilemur mustelinus densities in Madagascar. Folia Primatologica 78(1):46-55.
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2006 Lehman, S.M., A. Rajaonson, and S. Day. Edge effects on the density of Cheirogaleus major. International Journal of Primatology 27(6):1569-1588.
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2006 Lehman, S.M. Effects of transect selection and seasonality on lemur density estimates in southeastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 27(4):1041-1057.
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2006 Lehman, S.M., J.H. Ratsimbazafy, A. Rajaonson, and S. Day. Ecological correlates to lemur community structure in southeast Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology27(4):1023-1040.
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2006 Lehman, S.M. Nested distribution patterns and the historical biogeography of the primates of Guyana. In Lehman, S.M. and J.G. Fleagle (Editors) Primate Biogeography, pp. 63-80. New York: Springer Press.
2006 Lehman, S.M., R.W. Sussman, J. Phillips-Conroy, and W. Prince. Ecological biogeography of primates in Guyana. In Lehman, S.M. and J.G. Fleagle (Editors) Primate Biogeography, pp. 105-130. New York: Springer Press.
2006 Lehman, S.M. and J.G. Fleagle. Primate biogeography: A review. In Lehman, S.M. and J.G. Fleagle (Editors) Primate Biogeography, pp. 1-58. New York: Springer Press.
2006 Lehman, S.M. Conservation biology of Malagasy strepsirhines: A phylogenetic approach. American Journal of Physical Anthropology130(2):238-253.
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2006 Faulkner, A, and S.M. Lehman. Feeding patterns in a small-bodied nocturnal folivore (Avahi laniger) and the influence of leaf chemistry: A preliminary study. Folia Primatologica 77(3):218-227.
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2006 Lehman, S.M., J.H. Ratsimbazafy, A. Rajaonson, and S. Day. Decline of Propithecus diadema edwardsi and Varecia variegata variegata (Primates: Lemuridae) in south-east Madagascar. Oryx 40(1):108-111
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2006 Lehman, S.M., A. Rajaonson, and S. Day. Lemur responses to edge effects in the Vohibola III Classified Forest, Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology 68(3):293-299.
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2006 Lehman, S.M., A. Rajaonson, and S. Day. Edge Effects and their influence on lemur density and distribution in southeast Madagascar. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129(2):232-241.
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2005 Lehman, S.M., M. Mayor and P.C. Wright. Ecogeographic size variations in sifakas: A test of the resource seasonality and resource quality hypotheses. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 126(3):318-328.
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2004 Lehman, S.M. Biogeography of the primates of Guyana: Effects of habitat use and diet on geographic distribution. International Journal of Primatology 25(6):1225-1242.
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2004 Lehman, S.M. Distribution and diversity of primates in Guyana: Species-area relationships and riverine barriers. International Journal of Primatology 25(1):73-95.
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2000 Lehman, S.M. Primate community structure in Guyana: A biogeographic analysis. International Journal of Primatology 21(3):333-351.
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2000 Lehman, S.M. and P.C. Wright. Preliminary description of the conservation status of lemur communities in the Betsakafandrika region of eastern Madagascar. Lemur News 5:23-25
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© 2024 Shawn M. Lehman
Last update August 12, 2024