Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Alexander, William John. Memories of Schools Sixty Years Ago. Toronto: Ontario College of Education, 1928.

Bagley, William. Classroom Management: Its Principles and Techniques. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1922.

Barnard, Henry. School Architecture. New York: Teachers College Press, [1970] 1842.

Blackboards. [Includes advertising material from Roberts, Taylor & Co., Philadelphia], 1886-1889, Archives of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario.

Bloser, Parker Zaner. Writing on the Board. Columbus, Ohio: Zaner-Bloser, 1965.

Brown, Edwin John and Phelps, Arthur Thomas. Managing the Classroom: The Teacher’s Part in School Administration. New York: Ronald Press Company, 1961.

Crafts, Wilbur F. Plain Uses of the Blackboard and Slate and other Visible and Verbal Illustrations in the Sunday School and Home. Cincinnati: Jennings and Pye, 1901.

Letter from W.S. Cody. DearSir, Will you kindly inform me where I can get the recipe for making Blackboards on plastered walls.., Nov 22, 1888. Archives of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario.

Letter from Daniel Wilson. My Dear Sir, I Want a Blackboard, on a stand; for the use of the Newboys’ Lodging.., Oct 7, 1884. Archives of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario.

Sears, J.B. Classroom Organization and Control. Cambridge: the Riverside Press, 1918.

Seymour, W. Douglas. Improving the Blackboard. London: National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 1938.

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