Monday, August 07, 2006

This long weekend

I am still not feeling very well, as I suffered another fever, a ulcer in my mouth, stomachache and a heavy-head. It is the first time that I become so ill after I came to Canada. So I mainly stay at home to rest. It is probably because I didn't have enough sleep recently and was concerning about quite a few things.

So, all my friends, please have enough sleep. A good health is the most important thing for a good life.


Littlemoon said...

as my grandpa said, 平安是福

I guess you need to work on your "de-stress" strategies. We need to be able to totally relax, and to leave behind whatever is worrisome when it is time to do something different.

7:15 PM, August 08, 2006  
Song Wei said...

Thanks a lot for your advice:)

Take care, dude! Are you still playing football?

4:54 PM, August 09, 2006  
Da said...

I will play football soon, when my ankle fully recover! Currently I only play table-tennis with an ankle wrap :)

11:25 PM, August 09, 2006  

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