Summer Weekend #6
The past week was a quiet week. Didn't do much on the weeknd but a bit of swmming and cooking. Made "loh mai kai", mango pudding and my first ever decorated strawberry shortcake. I think it looks nice for a first timer although the cake was a bit hard. I need to ask my coach aka "si fu" for some advices. :D
Started tith working from home on Thurs and Fri as I wasn't feeling well. Started with BAD sore throat then runny nose follow by coughing. I has been drugging myself with all sort of medication that I can find in the cabinet. As a result, I feel so much better today. :)
Went to the monthly Kitchen Stuff PLus side walk sale in Mississauga. Didn't get much stuff this time and the weather was really BAD. :( It was hot and humid. >< Also went back to Ptown for my lil cousin's birthday which is also why I was making the cake. Catch up with LOTS of sleep... it made me feel so good after a 12 hours sleep. It has been a while I had such a good sleep. Was suppose to go to the Beaches for some sun, but ended up cancelling it as there wasn't much sun when I woke up. lol~ So, I ended bumming at home reading and watching until later in the evening that I finally went out to get some fresh air. I was at my bro's softball game watching his team playing. Although I can't play at this moment, it's still good to watch the game... hehehe~

Me & B-day boy~

My first decorated cake! *I am proud of it*

The layers... which need more strawberries :D
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