

August 18, 2005

The end is near,

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. I just found out that my last day here at Four Seasons will be August 31. I am absolutely poofed, and have little motivation remaining. I would have really liked to have the entire week of Aug. 29 off, so that I can have one full week of rest before starting up school the next week. Considering how the original plan was to have me stay until Sep. 2, this isn't bad at all.

The important factor here is the cross-over between the next term co-op students, and current. I have to train the new guys coming in for September. They're starting Mon. Aug. 29 and usually this is a one week deal, but since my partner in crime Theo is getting kicked out of his Toronto apartment on 31th, my supervisors were nice enough to arrange just a 3-day cross-over for both of us.

I'll be in hibernation the four days between the end of work and the start of school. (Sweeeet.) Please do not disturb during this time.


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