

April 30, 2006

New laptop

I bought my new laptop today. And wow, is it a sweet-ass machine.
It's a Toshiba Satellite. Intel Centrino PentiumM 1.73GHz, 1 GB memory, 80 GB hard drive, 15.4" screen, thin and sleek. Basically, it's everything that I need and want, I love it.

My desktop has served me very well until now, but I really do need a laptop in California. My dad owns a Toshiba, which he's had for the last 6 years, and it's still working fine! I'm sure mine will endure just as long.

Actually.... now that I think about it, I never officially announced it on this blog. I will indeed be going to Actel in California for the year-long PEY internship. After that mishap in the first round of interviews, I landed another position with them in the second round as the Verification and Validation Intern.

Preparations have been well underway, such as the TN visa application in Buffalo, which turned out to be a good hour's worth of stories, much to my annoyance at the time for the amount of precious clocks it took out of studying for my first couple exams. Speaking of which, I'm almost done, just one more. Wednesday at 9pm, that's my 'Saved by the Bell'. But having this luscious new laptop sit here on my desk next to the work doesn't help very much.

April 19, 2006

Two for the price of one

April 05, 2006

V for Voluptuously-awesome

"A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having"

I saw V for Vendetta tonight, and it totally blew me away. The film was great on so many levels. An amazing storyline, tons of action, politically charged, a real message underneath, and a super hot chick; what more can you ask for? Watching in IMAX made it even better.

credit: legofish.com