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Hamid R. Salimi Jazi / Resume




Hamidreza Salimijazi

Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, university of Toronto
5 King’s College Road, Toronto, ON M5S 3G8
Tel: (416) 946-8470, Fax: (416) 978-7753
E-mail: jazi@mie.utoronto.ca



The University of Toronto, ON, Canada                                                                         2001-2005

  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies.

The Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran                                                     1996-1999

  • Master of applied Science in Materials Science and Engineering.

The Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran                                                     1989-1994

  • Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering.


Course Taught

  • Solid State Processing and Surface Treatment, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Course Instructor, 2005-2006.
  • Applied Science: Materials, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Teaching Assistant, 2002-2004.
  • Raw Materials Characterization and Treatment, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Teaching Assistant, 2002-2003.
  • Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Teaching Assistant, 2001-2002.
  • Heat Treatment of Steel and Cast iron, Materials Science and Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Teaching Assistant, 1999.
  • Physical Metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Teaching Assistant, 1998.

 Research Experience
2005- Present
Research Assistant, Post Doctoral, Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, University of Toronto & GE Global Research Centre, NY, USA                                                                                           

  • Yttria stabilized zirconia single splat formation and deposition by atmospheric plasma spraying for solid oxide fuel cells application.

Research Assistant, Doctoral Candidate, University of Toronto

  • Fabricated and characterized a variety of the near-net-shaped materials and composites such as Nickel based Super alloys, Ti-6Al-4V, B4C, Zirconia, and WC/Co using different deposition methods such as APS, VPS and HVOF.
  • Performed Systematic metallographic observations and surface characterizations on the coated materials fabricated by plasma spray techniques.
  • Performed mechanical and metallurgical tests such as creep, hardness, and tensile test on coated materials such as TEM, SEM, EDS, XRD, XPS, SIMS, Raman spectroscopy, Micro and Nano-hardness, image analyzing on the selected samples fabricated from Ti-6Al-4V, B4C, Nickel based superalloys, and WC/Co materials.
  • Conducted advanced studies on the properties and characteristics of surfaces and deposits on various engineering structures.
  • Performed and characterized coatings on spot welding electrodes (copper) for Huys Industries.

Research Assistant, Isfahan University of Technology

    • Designed and fabricated a custom made HFCVD system for diamond coating.
    • Deposited diamond films on silicon wafers and cemented carbide tool inserts.

Undergraduate Research, Isfahan University of Technology

    • Generated a Computational model for steel casting. Supervisor: Prof. A. Najafi-zadeh.

Research Interests

    • Physical and mechanical performance of advanced materials
    • Coatings deposition and characterization, Thermal plasma spray coatings, Ceramic and metallic deposition
    • Solid oxide fuel cells materials
    • Near-net-shape forming of composite structures

Teaching Interests

    • Undergraduate-level courses in structure and properties of materials, surface engineering, physical and mechanical properties, composites, and solid surface properties and treatments
    • Graduate-level courses in advanced coating technologies, tribology and surface engineering, and composites


    • Refereed Journal Papers and Book
      1. H. B. Parizi, H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, V. Pershin, S. Chandra, A. McDonald, L. Rosenzweig, and C. Moreau, “Numerical Simulation of Droplet Impact on Patterned Surfaces”, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, submitted Feb. 2007.
      2. H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, S. Chandra, C.Y. Lau, L. Rosenzweig, E. Moran, “Measuring Substrate Temperature Variation During Application of Plasma Sprayed Zirconia Coatings”, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, accepted April. 2007.
      3. H.R. Salimi Jazi, T. w. Coyle, M. Raessi, J. Mostaghimi, "Study of Solidification Behavior and Splat Morphology of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Ti Alloy by Computational Modeling and Experimental observations”, Surface & Coating Technology, in press Jan. 2007.
      4. H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, S. Chandra, C.Y. Lau, L. Rosenzweig, E. Moran, “Effect of Droplet Characteristics and Substrate Surface Topography on the Final Morphology of Plasma Sprayed Zirconia Single Splat”, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,16(2), 2007.
      5. H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, “Grain Growth and Pore Elimination in the VPSF Ti-6Al-4V Alloy", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, in press Oct. 2006.
      6. H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, “Vacuum Plasma Spraying: A New Concept for Manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V Structures”, JOM, pp 50-56, Sept. 2006.
      7. H.R. Salimijazi, T.W. Coyle, J. Mostaghimi, and L. Leblanc, “Microstructure of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Boron Carbide”, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 14(3), pp 362-368, Sept. 2005.
      8. H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, and V. Pershin (Edts.), Conference Proceeding, 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Aug. 2005, Toronto, Canada.
      9. H.R. Salimijazi, T.W. Coyle, J. Mostaghimi, and L. Leblanc, “Microstructure and Failure Mechanism in As-Deposited Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 14(2), pp 215-223, June 2005.
      10. H.R. Salimijazi, “Diamond Coating and Films by HFCVD”, Iranian Society of Surface Science & Technology Journal, Vol. 7, May. 1999, Isfahan, Iran.
      11. H.R. Salimijazi, “Introduction to Diamond Coating and Films”, Iranian Society of Surface Science & Technology Journal, Vol. 6, Jan. 1999, Isfahan, Iran.

      Refereed Conference Papers

      1. H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, V. Pershin, L. Rosenzweig, and E. Moran, Y.C. Lau, “Temperature Evolution and Pore Distribution in Zirconia Footprint Deposits Using Atmospheric Plasma Spraying”, 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, August 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
      2. H. B. Parizi, H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, V. Pershin, S. Chandra, A. McDonald, L. Rosenzweig, and C. Moreau, “Numerical Simulation of Droplet Impact on Patterned Surfaces”, 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition, May 2007, Beijing, China.
      3. H.R. Salimi Jazi, J. Mostaghimi, T. Coyle, V. Pershin, L. Rosenzweig, and E. Moran, “Effect of Substrate Temperature and Droplet Characteristics on Plasma Sprayed Zirconia Splats”, 2006 International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition, May 15-18, 2006, Seattle, Washington, USA.
      4. H.R. Salimijazi, M. Raessi, T.W. Coyle, and J. Mostaghimi, “Numerical Simulation and Experimental Evaluation of Solidification Behavior of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Ti-6Al-4V Single Droplet”, 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, H. R. Salimijazi, J. Mostaghimi et al (Eds.), 7-12 Aug. 2005, Toronto, Canada.
      5. H.R. Salimijazi, F. Azarmi, T.W. Coyle, and J. Mostaghimi, “Study of the Relationship between the Young’s Modulus and Microstructure of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Boron Carbide”, 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, American Ceramic Society, pp. 235-244, Jan. 2005, Florida, USA.
      6. H.R. Salimijazi, T.W. Coyle, and J. Mostaghimi, “Relationship between Elastic Modulus and Microstructure in Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Structures”, 2005 International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition, May 2005, Basel, Switzerland.
      7. H.R. Salimijazi, “Grain Growth and Pore Elimination in VPSF Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, 10th Meeting of the Thermal Spray Consortium on Coating Formation, University of Toronto, 2004.
      8. H.R. Salimijazi, T.W. Coyle, J. Mostaghimi, and L. Leblanc, “Characterization of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Boron Carbide”, Thermal Spray 2004: Advancing in Technology and Application, ITSC, May 2004, Osaka, Japan.
      9. H.R. Salimijazi, T.W. Coyle, J. Mostaghimi, and L. Leblanc, “Structure and Mechanical Properties of VPS Ti-6Al-4V”, International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC 2003, Taormina, Italy.
      10. H.R. Salimijazi, T.W. Coyle, J. Mostaghimi, and L. Leblanc, “Near-Net Shape Forming of Ti-6Al-4V alloys by Vacuum Plasma Spray Forming”, Thermal Spray 2003: Advancing the Science and Applying the Technology, B.R. Marple and C. Moreau (Eds.), pp. 611-616, May 2003, Florida, USA.
      11. L. Leblanc, H.R. Salimijazi, J. Mostaghimi, and T.W. Coyle, “On Vacuum Plasma Spray Forming of Ti-6Al-4V”, Thermal Spray 2003: Advancing the Science and Applying the Technology, B.R. Marple and C. Moreau (Eds.), pp. 603-609, May 2003, Florida, USA.                                                                                                               
      12. H.R. Salimijazi and S. Nasrazadani, “Evaluation of Copper Electroplated Layers on Silicon Wafers”, American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society AESF, SUR/FIN”98, Jun. 1998, Minneapolis, USA.
      13. H.R. Salimijazi, “Computational Modeling of Steel Casting”, Materials Science and Engineering Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, 1995.


      1. Zirconia Splat Formation and Coating Layer Build Up, CACT Annual Report 2006, GE Global Research, Jan. 2007.
      2. Zirconia Splat Formation and Coating Layer Build Up, CACT Annual Report 2005, GE Global Research, Jan. 2006.
      3. Fundamentals and Applications of Thermal Spray, CACT Annual Consortium, Sept. 2004.
      4. Performed and characterized coatings on spot welding electrodes, Huys Industries, CACT, 2003.


    • “Effect of Substrate Temperature and Droplet Characteristics on Plasma Sprayed Zirconia Splats”, International Thermal Spray Conference, ITSC 2006, May 2006, Seattle, WA, USA.
    •  “Numerical Simulation and Experimental Evaluation of Solidification Behavior of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Ti-6Al-4V Single Droplet”, 17 International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Aug. 7, 2005, Toronto, Canada.
    • “Near-net shape forming of Ti-6Al-4V by Vacuum Plasma Spray forming”, 10th meeting of the thermal spray consortium on coating formation, University of Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2004.
    • “Characterization of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Boron Carbide”, Thermal Spray 2004: Advancing in Technology and Application, ITSC, May 2004, Osaka, Japan.
    • “Structure and Mechanical Properties of VPS Ti-6Al-4V”, International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC, Jun. 2003, Taormina, Italy.
    • “Near-Net Shape Forming of Ti-6Al-4V alloys by Vacuum Plasma Spray Forming”, Thermal Spray 2003: Advancing the Science and Applying the Technology, ITSC, May 2003, Florida, USA.
    • “On Vacuum Plasma Spray Forming of Ti-6Al-4V”, Thermal Spray 2003: Advancing the Science and Applying the Technology, ITSC, May 2003, Florida, USA.
    • “Structure and mechanical properties of VPSF Ti-6Al-4V”, 9th meeting of the thermal spray consortium on coating formation, University of Toronto, Canada, April 2003.
    • “Near-net shape forming of VPS Ti-6Al-4V alloy”, PhD Seminar, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, Feb. 2003.
    • “Thermal spray coatings for wear and corrosion resistance applications”, NACE International: The Corrosion Society, Chemical and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 2002.
    • “Vacuum plasma spray deposition of Ti-6Al-4V”, 2nd Annual Symposium on Thermal Spray Coatings, Canadian Ceramic Society, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 2002.
    • “Near-net shape forming of VPS Ti-6Al-4V alloy”, Qualifying Exam., Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, March. 2002.
    • “Deposition and Characterization of Diamond Films on Si Wafers and WC/Co Tool Inserts by HFCVD”, M.Sc. Seminar, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, Feb. 1999.



    High Pressure Plasma Processing of Materials                                                                   2005
                ISPC-17 Summer School, Toronto, ON
    Workplace Safety Training Course                                                                                      2003
    The University of Toronto, ON, Canada



    Course Lecturer                                                                                                         2005-2006
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto
    Research Associate                                                                                                   2005- present
    Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, University of Toronto and GE Global Research, Post doctoral

    • Yttria stabilized zirconia deposition by atmospheric plasma spraying for SOFCs electrolyte material

    Research Assistant                                                                                                     2002- 2004
    Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, University of Toronto, PhD Student

    • Fabricated and characterized a variety of the near-net-shaped materials and composites such as Nickel based Super alloys, Ti-6Al-4V, B4C, Zirconia, and We/Co using different deposition methods such as APS, VPS and HVOF.
    • Performed Systematic metallographic observations on the coated materials fabricated by plasma spray techniques.
    • Performed mechanical and metallurgical tests such as creep, hardness, and tensile test on coated materials such as TEM, SEM, EDS, XRD, XPS, SIMS, Raman spectroscopy, Micro and Nano-hardness, image analyzing on the selected samples fabricated from Ti-6Al-4V, B4C, Nickel based superalloys, and WC/Co materials.
    • Conducted advanced studies on the properties and characteristics of deposits on automotive engine parts.
    • Performed and characterized coatings on spot welding electrodes (copper) for Huys Industries.

    Process Engineer & Mechanical Designer
    7 Abshar Nilgon Company

    • Designed sprinkler irrigation systems for agricultures                                  1999-2000

    Tarhgostar International Engineering Company                                                      1998-2000

    • Performed a successful feasibility study for development of Isfahan Steel Making Company.
    • Prepared lay out for high carbon ferrochrome and aluminum extruding plants.

    Research Assistant
    The Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran                                                 1997-1999

      • Designed and fabricated a HFCVD reactor for diamond coating.
      • Deposited a coating layer of diamond on silicon wafers and cemented carbide tools.
      • Generated a Computational model for steel casting.

    Relative Experiences

    • Structural and heat transfer simulation and modeling with FEMLAB
    • 2-D and 3-D AutoCAD
    • SEM, TEM, XRD, APS, VPS, HVOF, and Instron tensile test operation



    • Certificate of Merit Award, Thermal Spray Society TSS, ITSC 2006, Seattle, USA
    • Award of Merit, Discovery 2006, Ontario Centres of Excellence, On, Canada
    • Mechanical and Industrial Eng., University of Toronto, Research Assistantship, 2004-2005, 15,000 CAD$
    • School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, 2005, 2500 CAD$
    • University of Toronto Fellowship, 2004-2005, 3,500 CAD$
    • Teaching Assistants and Student Instructors Award at the University of Toronto, April 2005, 800 CAD$
    • University of Toronto Fellowship, 2003-2004, 7,000 CAD$
    • Mechanical and Industrial Eng., University of Toronto, Research Assistantship, 2003-2004, 15,000 CAD$
    • Teaching Assistants and Student Instructors Award at the University of Toronto, April 2003, 540 CAD$
    • University of Toronto Fellowship, 2002-2003, 9,900 CAD$
    • Mechanical and Industrial Eng., University of Toronto, Research Assistantship, 2002-2003, 15,000 CAD$
    • University of Toronto Fellowship, 2001-2002, 10,000 CAD$
    • Mechanical and Industrial Eng., University of Toronto, Research Assistantship, 2001-2002, 15,000 CAD$
    • University of Toronto Fellowship, 2000-2001, 6,000 CAD$
    • Mechanical and Industrial Eng., University of Toronto, Research Assistantship, 2000-2001, 8,000 CAD$
    • Isfahan University of Technology, Research Award, 1999, 300 CAD$.


    • ASM International
    • The American Ceramic Society
    • International Plasma Chemistry Society
    • The Canadian Ceramic Society
    • The American Ceramic Society


    • Organizing committee member of the 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC17), 5-12 Aug. 2005, Toronto, Canada.
    • Session chair of the 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC17), Session 10: Clusters, particles and powders, Aug. 11, 2005, Toronto, Canada.
    • Organizing of the CACT Consortium 2004.
    • Organizing of the CACT booth and computer demonstration for MMO Partnership 2004.
    • Organizing of the CACT booth and computer demonstration for MMO Partnership 2003.
    • Monitor student in the Canadian Ceramic Society Forum 2001 and 2002.


    • Prof. J. Mostaghimi, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vice-Dean, Research and Graduate Studies University of Toronto, 5King's College Road, M5S 3G8.
    • Prof. T. W. Coyle, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, 184 College St., M5S 3E4.
    • Prof. S. Nasrazadani, Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, 76203-0679.
    • Prof. S. Chandra, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, 5King's College Road, M5S 3G8.



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