Dennis E-journal

Just a place for me to write a few words down

Monday, July 19, 2004

Hen's B-day!
So over the weekend, we had Henry's 23rd birthday party at Yang's Sushi was all you can eat and as you can imagine, things weren't pretty when you eat way to much sashimi......we ordered like nuts.  Over dinner somehow the convo turned to me and how I was the child from hell....they made me tell stories about when I was's a synopsis of how bad I used to be
-My dad threatened to spank me and instead of standing there, I ran....he caught me and tied me to the dishwasher.....I never ran again.
-One year I was so bad that I didn't get anything from Santa Claus.  The letter said "Maybe next year....if you behave, your sister might share her gift with you"....and no, I did not get a lump of coal the following year
-In grade school, I mastered the art of flinging crayons up my teacher's skirt using a complex series of don't tell me I wasn't born to be an engineer =)
-I was throwing a tamper-tantrum in Church's Fried Chicken once because I wanted the corn on the cob that was in the store.....(I can't believe I actually wanted veggies...well corn is my fav veg now)...My mom couldn't stand it so she threatened to leave me....I called her bluff...only it wasn't a bluff.....and she actually left...My mom just waited in the car but I thought she actually left me.....I never called her bluffs again.
So yeah I guess i was a pretty naughty kid....the guys likened it to Ned Flanders =) they are determined to get the "bad kid" out of me again......I tried to tell them...I'm a nice guy.....=) oh well =)
So after we went out for drinks in Unionville...and I got to pay Hen back for forcing me to drink 3 shots of tequila during my b-day dinner back in he knows my pain and he promises never to bring that upon anyone every again =)...I highly doubt that =)
here's my weekend in a nutshell
-watched Eurotrip....good movie..."I think you have tree sap over there..."  must see Road Trip now.....
-went golfing at schooled but I love that sport...too expensive though
-Auntie Elizabeth and Uncle John's 25th Wedding aniversary
-Hen's bday...see above
-Got lenses changed on glasses and starting to wear contacts again for beach v-ball
-Chinatown shopping with dad
-watched Mothman Prophecies.....bad movie....lost 2 hours of my time.....
-sleep because I was exhausted...
What did you do this weekend?