Dennis E-journal

Just a place for me to write a few words down

Monday, August 23, 2004

Cleaning is hazardous to your health...
So this weekend, I decided to attack something that I haven't done in like a decade.....clean my room...and when I say clean I really mean vacuum....throw out random stuff lying around...put out clothes that I don't wear etc. This adventure started at 9 am on Saturday and did not stop until 6 pm on Sunday....I cleaned and dusted for hours on end.....Since I'm going to be living at home for the next 4 months and try commuting to school from Scarbo, I thought I better get my room in "study" order. I organized my closet and freed up some shelf space for books. I itemized my university notes in a very anal fashion by course and then my year.....and I cleaned up my desk so that I would actually have a working space to do homework on...imagine that...what concept =)...Well throughout this whole ordeal...I couldn't stop sneezing and blowing my nose....I felt like I was dying =)...dust doesn't like me and I don't like it....and boy was I disturbing some really big and"mature" dust bunnies...actually it was more like dust elephants....because boy were these puppies huge! =).....I still have the sniffles this morning...I think it's residual from my cleaning adventure.....

Online sign up for courses a pain
So as most of you know, I don't have high speed internet and today was the day engineering students at u of t can sign up for their humanities I really wanted marketing geography....but there was only one spot left on Friday last week so I pretty much knew that I wouldn't get it......

So I went to work to use the T1 connection there to hit the registration website as fast as possible.....I got to work at 5:45 am because the site opens at 6 am...First of all, not only did it take me 15 minutes to just get into the site but then not only did I not get my first second choice was also out.....I ended up signing up for three other courses which I didn't really want...I'll go to each of the classes and see which two I get to drop....the courses are "Global Warming", "Origins of Western Technology" and "Environmental Ethics" Any suggestions which one I should take???

So i don't think it's fair that engineering students get the last pick of humanities courses...I mean we pay more per course than the artsies to take these artsie course....if anything we should get first pick....I realize that some courses are mandatory for certain programs and I have no problem with reserved spots for them...but if you get to choose any should be fair game to all.....I mean the engineers are stuck with courses that they aren't interested in....isn't the whole point of a humanties to broaden your interests???..Anyways I didn't get stuck with too many bad electives so I guess I'll see which one's the best......

Count down begins.....3...2....1.....
And so my journey with Hbc (at least this time around) is coming to an end....3 more days.....I cleaned my desk today and boy did I accumulate a lot of paper over the past 16's nuts...I think I killed several trees throughout the process....3 days left and's a bitter sweet feeling...I can't wait for vacation but I hate to leave because I really love my job here......Thanks PES for everything!!! You guys rock!!