Dennis E-journal

Just a place for me to write a few words down

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Bad at Posting
I know I'm always bad at posting but hey, I only do it when the mood feels right or when I feel that I have something interesting to share with you all. So here it is =)

Being a father
Last weekend on father's day, I went to the driving range, and the lady there thought I was a father and gave me 50% off my bucket of balls. Just this past weekend, I went over to Selene's sister's house for Stephen, Elena and Adrianna's birthday party. They were turning 6, 4 and 1 respectively. It got me thinking about kids and being a father. I absolutely adore kids. They are quite possibly the most fascinating beings on this earth. How a child knowing absolutely nothing at all learns how to get attention, how to be happy, sad. How a baby can tell it's mom that she's hungry. How the learn to speak, walk, make faces etc. Everyone says I have a friendly face, and that's why kids love me. I think I just relate to them at the same level =). The development of a child is totally in the hands of the parents. What kind of parent will you be? Will you be one that will let them do all the things your parents wouldn't let you do as a kid, or would you be the exact opposite and be as strict as your parents were on you? I'd like to think my parents did a pretty darn good job of raising me, but that's a slightly biased opinion. I think if I could raise my children like my parents raised me, I think I have a good chance at being a great parent. How does a parent know how to raise a kid? It's not like they know how before they have a kid. I guess it's based on how they were raised. That's why children of abusive parents repeat the cycle when the abused child becomes a parent and why children are the best reflection of their parents.

To be honest with you all, most guys my age can't stand the thought of kids. While I know I'm nowhere ready to raise a child, I love thinking about what my children will be like and how to be a good role model to them. It's a lot to live up to, especially when a baby depends 100% on you for protection and survival. As for the number of kids that I want...I think 3-4 is probably a good number =)...2 boys and 2 girls......what do you think? How many would you want?