Snow Day...
So last night the man upstairs decided to dump a whole lot of snow on us Torontians...and when it snows there's not really a lot to do in the house except shovel and do house work. I know I haven't update this blog site since the summer but now that I have some spare time I guess I'll use this "free time" opportunity to tell you all what I've been up to for the past few months....
Going Back to School...
So as many of you know, after my third year in engineering I went on a internship at Hbc for 16 month. Well this fall it was time to stop working and head back to school. I'll be honest with you all, school is a lot different than work. At school, your very much your own boss. Everything you do affects you and you only. You can choose to study if want to, go out when you want to, or skip class if you want to. At work, you have to pull your weight because people on the team are counting on your to be a piece to the puzzle. With that said, it took a little while for me to get back into the groove of things. I find school actually a little easier than working. In school, things are very structurered and in a sense simplified. Problems in the real world don't always have an easy or logical solution. I actually enjoyed the opportunity to sit in class and learn. I guess that's what working does to you. I allows you to mature and appreciate your education. With that said, looking back on the semester, I think I had the best school semester ever..all my exams when relatively well and now I'm ready to enjoy Christmas.
Going back to Work soon!...
Well only being back at school for 4 months, I'm going to be back at work again. I'm part of a joint Engineering/MBA program at U of T. ...within 6 years 8 months, I'll have 4 years of engineering, 2 years of MBA, and 2 years of work experience all condensed into a shorten timeframe. Only working 16 months full time, I still need another 8 months before starting my MBA at Rotman in the fall of 2005. Starting in January, I'll be working for 8 months at Petro Canada in its Integration and Optimization Department understanding how the oil and gas industry works. I'm pretty excited to say the least to start working for another Canadian iconic company!
Thesis almost done....
As part of the special program I'm in, I have to finish an undergraduate engineering thesis in a shortened timeframe as well. Let me tell you it's no easy task to do a full year thesis in half a year. My topic was entitled "An examination of providing wireless video services over cellular networks in Canada". Basically I was working with one of the Canadian telecommunications service providers to do a market study of the standards for video, estimate the profitability of introducing the new wireless video services, and develop a plan for implementation. Long story short, I learnt a lot about telcom industry...I'll post it up when it has been finalized =)....
Xmas time....
Well as per usual, the holidays are here and that means a lot of family functions to go to. As per usual, I'm split between Selene's family and my own...and since both families like to eat a's a lot of feasting =)....hopefully I don't gain too much weight.
Well that's my short little update. I'm sure I'll be updating this more often seeing as how I don't have school anymore so drop me a line and let me know what you've been up to!
Merry Christmas and Have a great new year!!!
So last night the man upstairs decided to dump a whole lot of snow on us Torontians...and when it snows there's not really a lot to do in the house except shovel and do house work. I know I haven't update this blog site since the summer but now that I have some spare time I guess I'll use this "free time" opportunity to tell you all what I've been up to for the past few months....
Going Back to School...
So as many of you know, after my third year in engineering I went on a internship at Hbc for 16 month. Well this fall it was time to stop working and head back to school. I'll be honest with you all, school is a lot different than work. At school, your very much your own boss. Everything you do affects you and you only. You can choose to study if want to, go out when you want to, or skip class if you want to. At work, you have to pull your weight because people on the team are counting on your to be a piece to the puzzle. With that said, it took a little while for me to get back into the groove of things. I find school actually a little easier than working. In school, things are very structurered and in a sense simplified. Problems in the real world don't always have an easy or logical solution. I actually enjoyed the opportunity to sit in class and learn. I guess that's what working does to you. I allows you to mature and appreciate your education. With that said, looking back on the semester, I think I had the best school semester ever..all my exams when relatively well and now I'm ready to enjoy Christmas.
Going back to Work soon!...
Well only being back at school for 4 months, I'm going to be back at work again. I'm part of a joint Engineering/MBA program at U of T. ...within 6 years 8 months, I'll have 4 years of engineering, 2 years of MBA, and 2 years of work experience all condensed into a shorten timeframe. Only working 16 months full time, I still need another 8 months before starting my MBA at Rotman in the fall of 2005. Starting in January, I'll be working for 8 months at Petro Canada in its Integration and Optimization Department understanding how the oil and gas industry works. I'm pretty excited to say the least to start working for another Canadian iconic company!
Thesis almost done....
As part of the special program I'm in, I have to finish an undergraduate engineering thesis in a shortened timeframe as well. Let me tell you it's no easy task to do a full year thesis in half a year. My topic was entitled "An examination of providing wireless video services over cellular networks in Canada". Basically I was working with one of the Canadian telecommunications service providers to do a market study of the standards for video, estimate the profitability of introducing the new wireless video services, and develop a plan for implementation. Long story short, I learnt a lot about telcom industry...I'll post it up when it has been finalized =)....
Xmas time....
Well as per usual, the holidays are here and that means a lot of family functions to go to. As per usual, I'm split between Selene's family and my own...and since both families like to eat a's a lot of feasting =)....hopefully I don't gain too much weight.
Well that's my short little update. I'm sure I'll be updating this more often seeing as how I don't have school anymore so drop me a line and let me know what you've been up to!
Merry Christmas and Have a great new year!!!
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