
Importance of CyberEthics

  • CyberEthics are becoming important on the internet,
  • especially in today’s age in a North American society where everyone is connected to the internet.
    • websites and television commercials that are contributing to cyber-bullying awareness in the society.
    • forums, people are discouraged to download pirated programs on the internet.
    • On Facebook, many users report groups that are targeting victims.
    • People connected to illegal downloading softwares such as LimeWire are being traced and in consequence are sent to jail for a period of time.

Realness of the Web

  • The internet may not be tangible but everything that happens in it is real and it affect the offline life.
  • People are slowly understanding the realness of the deed done online,
  • and they are also slowly bringing ethics from the real world to cyberspace.