Different Behaviors
Cyber Identity

Cyber Identity

Different Behaviors

Two natures of the cyberspace that causes people to behave differently online:

    • Anonymity
    • Distance


    • One reason why people act different online is the sense of anonymity.
    • People feel as if they are “invisible” online and cannot be identified.
    • Many people treat the internet as a world of make-believe, where everything they do is not real.
    • This is why users have their “online identity.”


  • With the Internet, people can communicate with other users all over the world.
  • People do things online that they would not normally do in a face-to-face environment
    • because the distance feels safe,
    • people do not see a direct consequence of what was done.

Cyber Identity

  • There are more cyber identities online than the number of users online
    • one user can take on different types of personalities.
    • YouTube:
      • Simply because we can see them, doesn’t mean it’s real.
      • i.e., lonelygirl15 is playing a role.
  • This role becomes a mask that users believe that is detached from the real world and themselves,
  • Most feel that the law and moral conducts do not apply to them.
  • This belief is untrue.
    • when a cyber identity has done something wrong, the person behind that identity will be punished.
    • Online identities will not stop the law from tracing the person behind it