Ethics and The Web

What is Ethics?

  • Ethics is people's personal sense of right and wrong.
  • In the real world, there is a universal understanding that anyone who has done something "wrong" will result to a hurtful consequence.
  • We learn this through life experiences and/or discipline by authority (ie. parents, the law).
  • It is human nature to avoid being punished which is why most people are intimidated to do anything illegal or socially unacceptable.

Birth of the Web

  • In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee created a new world called the World Wide Web.
  • This is where people can:
    • communicate with other internet users,
    • share and collect information with each other,
    • all in an almost instantaneous speed.


The internet is a very exciting, yet uncontrolled space. For this reason, people have the difficulty to transfer their ethical behaviors in the real world to the cyberspace.