Remote Eye-Gaze Tracking






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Estimation of the Optical Axis



Ray-Tracing Diagram


To estimate the optical axis, it is sufficient to estimate two points that belong to it. The easiest points to estimate are the center of curvature of the cornea, c, and pupil center, p.


The cornea center, c, is estimated by tracing rays of light from light sources to the cameras and employing the law of reflection.


The pupil center, p, is estimated by back-projecting, in both cameras, an image of the pupil center through the nodal point and triangulating these two imaginary rays in 3-D space..


The estimation algorithm is described in more details in this paper.


It is important to note, that the estimation of the optical axis is done without assuming anything about eye dimensions or distance of the eye from the camera. Therefore, estimation of the optical axis does not require subject calibration. In addition, free head movements are tolerated.

