COPYRIGHT 2007 DonHoo Lee
CCT260 Major Assignment

Body(Second part) Previous / Next

o Areas of E-Commerce

- Web-based company challenges many traditional companies – “Rethink, and change!
- E-commerce is use in categories
       * Travel
       * Financial services
       * PC Hardware & Software    
       * Books & Music
       * Apparel & Footwear
- E-Learning  : Rapidly growing e-commerce.
       * In 2005, more than 3.2 million students participated in on-line lear
       * Well trained teachers were hired to provide a high quality lesson.     
       * A relatively cheap method of teaching the students
       * Able to teach unlimited number of people in one class. 

o Globalization

- To be globalize, firms need to prepare global practices, techniques, and languages. 
- Internet enabled customers order a product from anywhere
       * led to a tremendous amount of trading over the web. 
- Marketing strategy had to change - to suit with many different traditional cultures.