COPYRIGHT 2007 DonHoo Lee
CCT260 Major Assignment

Body(Third part) Beginning / Previous

o Challenges, Benefits, Issues

- Challenges :      
       * Firms had to invest more money to provide new approaches linked to the use of the internet.
       * Managers needed to spend more time to get used to the IT systems than ever before.    
- Benefits :
       * E-commerce is more affordable than traditional EDI for the companies.
       * Reach broader areas to get customers from all around the world with less cycle times.   
       * Small companies are able to advertise themselves to a huge population with a small cost.
       * Customers have  more choices and it has become more convenient to shop at home. 
       * E-commerce also increased the labour force.
- Issues :
       * Risk of being the victims of security loss. 
       * Information loss, computer virus, theft/hacking, and manipulating their internal systems.    
       * intellectual property protection

- They try to secure all transactions with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer for private transactions through internet) security standards.   Hosting your store in a secure hosting environment or displaying a disclaimer during the checkout process helps to ensure that the visitor is in a safe environment.