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Rao C, Chin D, Ensminger AW. (2017). Priming In A Permissive Type I-C CRISPR-Cas System Reveals Distinct Dynamics Of Spacer Acquisition And Loss. RNA. 2017 Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print]
(Click here for earlier BioRxiv version)
Urbanus ML, Quaile AT, Stogios PJ, Morar M, Rao C, Di Leo R, Evdokimova E, Lam M, Oatway C, Cuff ME, Osipiuk J, Michalska K, Nocek BP, Taipale M, Savchenko A, Ensminger AW. (2016). Diverse mechanisms of metaeffector activity in an intracellular bacterial pathogen, Legionella pneumophila. Molecular Systems Biology 12(12):893. (See also accompanying News & Views).
Rao, C., Guyard, C., Pelaz, C., Wasserscheid, J., Bondy-Denomy, J., Dewar, K., and Ensminger, A.W. (2016). Active and Adaptive Legionella CRISPR-Cas reveals a recurrent challenge to the pathogen. Cellular Microbiology 18(10):1319-38. (Editor's Choice).
Ensminger AW. (2016). Legionella pneumophila, armed to the hilt: justifying the largest arsenal of effectors in the bacterial world. Current Opinion in Microbiology 29:74-80. (Cover).
Quaile AT, Urbanus ML, Stogios PJ, Nocek B, Skarina T, Ensminger AW, Savchenko A. (2015). Molecular Characterization of LubX: Functional Divergence of the U-Box Fold by Legionella pneumophila. Structure 23(8):1459-69.
Ali SS, Soo J, Rao C, Leung AS, Ngai DH, Ensminger AW, Navarre WW. (2014). Silencing by H-NS potentiated the evolution of Salmonella. PLoS Pathogens 10(11):e1004500.
Khan M et al (2013). Comparative Genomics Reveal That Host-Innate Immune Responses Influence the Clinical Prevalence of Legionella pneumophila Serogroups. PLoS One 8(6): e67298.
Ensminger AW (2013). Experimental evolution of pathogenesis: "patient" research. PLoS Pathogens 9(5): e1003340.
Rao C, Benhabib H, Ensminger AW (2013). Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Legionella pneumophila Philadelphia-1 laboratory strains through comparative genomics. PLoS One 8(5): e64129.
Ensminger AW, Yassin Y, Miron A, Isberg RR (2012). Experimental Evolution of Legionella pneumophila in Mouse Macrophages Leads to Strains with Altered Determinants of Environmental Survival. PLoS Pathogens 8(5): e1002731. (Highlighted in Science Magazine’s Editors’ Choice)
Ensminger AW and Isberg, RR (2010). E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and targeting of BAT3 by multiple Legionella pneumophila translocated substrates. Infection and Immunity, 78, 3905-19.
Ensminger AW and Isberg RR (2009). Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm translocated substrates: a sum of parts. Current Opinion in Microbiology 12, 67-73.