The Bioshpere : Ecological Impact

Aquatic Life & Fisheries

coral The recent tsunami hit the Coastal Fisheries in the area hard. Fishing villages, boats, equipment and Ecosystems such as Coral Reefs, Seagrasses and Mangroves were damaged by the force of the waves, debris and Contamination and millions of fish that were killed.
It could be some time before the impact of the tsunami on Coastal Environments, Wetlands and Water Resources is fully realized. mangrove
Concerns over the safety of eating fish from the area have influenced  consumers and made some Reluctant to Buy Fish from the affected area, increasing the negative impact on the industry.

Underwater Photography by Larry Smarr

Last Revised April 2, 2005
Created by L. Johnston, C. Klemenchuk, F. Krauss for MDE 615.
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