Jason Hackworth

Professor of Planning and Geography

Graduate information

a. Courses

I teach a variety of graduate courses in the Department of Geography and Planning. Registered students can access the most up-to-date course information through q.utoronto.ca. Here is a list of courses taught with links to recent outlines. These are not official course outlines (those are only available through quercus), but they should provide sufficient background on each course if you are undecided on whether to register.

Graduate courses taught in 2023

JPG 1516: The Urban Problem

Graduate courses taught in the past:

PLA 2000: Advanced planning theory
JPG 1501: Urban political economy (most recent course outline)

b. Graduate supervision

Specific/ current graduate student interests:

I am authorized to serve on both Planning and Geography graduate committees, at both the Master and Doctoral level. Please contact me if you are interested in me serving as a supervisor or committee member.

General guidelines on graduate supervision:

MScPL Current Issues Paper (CIP) Advisor or Secondary Reader:

Of all of the degree programs, I am most willing to stray from my immediate area of expertise with MScPL current issues paper committee work. I am willing to be first or second reader on a wide range of urban topics. Please contact me if you are interested in me serving as your supervisor or secondary reader.  

MA in Geography:

I am generally willing to serve on MA committees dealing with urban, economic, or social topics. Talk to your supervisor first though to decide whether my perspective would be useful on your committee. As a supervisor, I generally ask that there be a very close alignment of topical interests before agreeing to serve in this capacity.

PhD in Planning or Geography:

I am not currently taking on PhD students in either Planning or Geography .

Graduate student from another department:

Periodically, I sit on committees for students from other departments.  Feel free of course to ask, but I usually only agree to participate if the research project or area in question is very closely related to my current research.