INDEX (more to come...)
■ First Kaleidscope ■ First Soundscope ■ THE TWILIGHT VALLEY

Read me ~~
One of the striking features of GARNET CROW, besides Nakamura Yuri's unique voice, is AZUKI Nana's lyrics, which are very poetical. It's a waste not to understand what they're singing. (Although sometimes I find it just fine blind listening ^^) Still there're lots of nuances embedded in words that aren't sufficiently conveyed across by voice alone. And personally I find that for GARNET CROW, their music ideas can be quite complex if you care enough for lyrics. The melody may sound jolly happy but the actual lyrics are cynical and sad. The two opposing yet indispensable forces somehow blend together to give a unique flavour to the band. There're plenty of romaji translations on the net but few English translations. Ryuichi's GC Soundscope covered a pretty good part of the earlier albums but that site has been inactive for as long as I remember. I don't understand Japanese and all the translations provided here are in fact translated from Chinese. Therefore it's like a second hand deal although I do refer back to the original Japanese to see if they make sense. That said, use your own judgement. And trust me, it's difficult to make sense out of AZUKI's lyrics. All you get is a vague atmosphere, nonetheless beautiful.