Philosophy Teaching Resources
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Associations (Teaching).

American Association of Philosophy Teachers

Baptist Association of Philosophy Teachers

Course Materials.

Philosophy Courses, Syllabi, Teaching and Learning (Peter Suber). An excellent and comprehensive list of syllabi, course materials and other resources for teaching philosophy, from Suber's Guide to Philosophy on the Internet.

Course Materials in Philosophy (Andrew Carpenter). One of the most systematic collections around for philosophy syllabi, handouts, assignments and other course materials. Organized by topic.

Courses, Syllabi and Teaching Resources (Dey Alexander.) From Alexander's Philosophy in Cyberspace, an annotated index comprising thousands of philosophy resources, regularly updated.

World Lecture Hall - Philosophy. The Philosophy page of the World Lecture Hall, a worldwide compendium of pages created by faculty who are using the web to deliver course materials.

Aesthetics Teaching Resources. From The American Society for Aesthetics. A nice page just for aesthetics.

The High School Philosophy Web Project (OISE, University of Toronto). An incomplete but promising resource for curricular support. Should be useful for Secondary and Postsecondary teaching in philosophy.


Teaching Philosophy As far as I know, this is the only journal dedicated to teaching philosophy.


Books in Philosophy A philosophy specific catalogue and on-line bookstore. One of the services of The Philosophy Documentation Center, an electronic clearinghouse for philosophical publishing.

Publisher's Catalogues A Meta-Catalogue for on-line bookstores. Compares prices for internet bookstores, and order on-line. Insanely useful.

University Presses Search the catalogues for Members of the Association of American University Presses.

Quis doctores docebit?

Teaching and Learning Resource Center (UofT) A new resource established by the UofT to provide faculty and teachings assistants with information on teaching and learning in higher education. See especially their links to other teaching resources on the net, as well as the listing for THE500F/S, a course I highly recommend -- it was the impetus for this page.

Centre for Academic Technology (CAT). A service of the Information Commons, the Centre was established to support the use of emerging technologies in teaching, learning, and research. It provides services to faculty, staff and graduate students. See also their Online Teaching Services.