Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies: Dr. D. Issa-Sayegh

Department of French
50 St. Joseph Street, 2nd floor
Toronto, ON M5S 1J4

Teaching Young People's Literature

FRE 485H1S

An analysis of bibliographical tools available for the selection of literary materials for the FSL classroom. Study of representative works of interest to young people such as novels, detective stories, cartoons, with special emphasis on socio-cultural aspects. Critical analysis of various pedagogical approaches useful for the Experiential Learning component: each student will participate in a school internship and will be required to write a report on his or her experience.

Required text:
Léon, La littérature de jeunesse à l’école, pourquoi ? comment ? .

Assignments and evaluation:
In-class tests (50-60%); assignments (30-40%); overall assessment (10%).

FRE 384H1

FRE 385H1