Michael Robert Humphreys
Updated September 4, 2004


My Family: Bob and Beth, Michael, Carolyn, Corrie and Mark.


My Dad and his brother own and operate Northgate Pontiac in Edmonton; my Mom is an SLP (speech language pathologist) at Tevy Millar Heritage School. My parents are godly examples, defining the values of a Christ-centered marriage and family.


Carolyn is 22 years old and only has one semester of school left and then she'll be an elementary teacher! She has a passion for missions, languages and children - currently she's spending 3 months in Germany to learn some German, rest, enjoy life with friends in Europe and spend time with God.


Corrie is 20 years old, and recently engaged!!!  Get ready for a big new year's bash as she and Lance exchange vows on Dec 31/04.  Corrie is in her third year of nursing and Lance is in his fifth and final year of engineering also at the U of A.  Corrie and I spend two amazing weeks in El Salvador this summer and you can check out our pictures in the photo album page.


Mark is 19 years old, talented young guy and God honoring individual. He's taller than me but that's ok cuz I'm still stronger than him and can take him anyday at squash or fooseball. :-) He has been accepted into his first choice of engineering discipline - computer engineering - and will be entering his second year as a U of A engineering student.


And in if your viewing this page then you know that I'm Mike and I'm a third year U of T med student with ambitions of being a doctor sometime in the near future. In what: I don't know, but I'm leaning towards a shorter residency program right now - maybe family/emerg. I'll enjoy medicine no matter what field I end up so mostly waiting to see where God leads and praying that he'll take care of the bigger life stuff more than anything. This was a tough summer for me and I anticipate healing will take some time.


And my puppy's name is Angel - she was supposed to be Corrie's but part of the terms by which she managed to convince my parents to get her a dog was that she wasn't going to have a boyfriend till she was 21....hmmm. So that negates the contract and Angel has been adopted by us all :)